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Farida Waziri Is Meddling In Gombe State Politics Using Efcc As A Tool Of Intimidation- Sack Farida Waziri Now

January 29, 2011

Dear President Jonathan,
We want to call your attention to the activities of Mrs Farida Waziri the chairperson of the EFCC in meddling in the affairs of Gombe State politics in favour of the husband Senator Ajuji Waziri.

Dear President Jonathan,
We want to call your attention to the activities of Mrs Farida Waziri the chairperson of the EFCC in meddling in the affairs of Gombe State politics in favour of the husband Senator Ajuji Waziri.

Since 2008, Mrs Farida Waziri has been intimidating the people of Biliri LGA to support the ambition of the husband Senator Waziri.

We the people of Biliri decided that we will no longer support Senator Ajuji Waziri as he has never brought meaningful development to our area either as a senator or ambassador. Senator Ajuji is a selfish politician who believes only in his pocket.
During the last re run election, Mrs Farida Waziri brought the sum of N300 million for the people of Biliri to support her husband to go back to the senate, we initially resisted the move but Mrs Waziri threatened that she will re-arrest our leader Mr. Zebulum Wasa if we don’t accept her offer.
To allow peace to reign, we then accepted that he goes for the re-run with the promise that he will not seek for election in 2011 polls.
We were surprised when Senator Ajuji Waziri reneged and came to contest in the primaries. We the Tangale youths in adherence to the call of Mr. Zebulum Wasa fiercely resisted this attempt, which led to the loss of Senator Waziri in the primaries.
Due this loss, Mrs Farida Waziri then deployed EFCC operatives to arrest Mr. Zebulum Wasa, claiming that he had issues with them in 2008.
Mr. President. Mrs Farida Waziri has continued to oppress the people of Gombe state. Even His Excellency Governor Dajuma Goje is not left in these onslaughts of intimidation and extortion, but naturally he cannot cry out as his hands are tied.
Mrs. Waziri and Senator Ajuji Waziri have amassed so much wealth from Gombe LGA chairmen through intimidation. The same applies to LGA chairmen in Benue State who has complained to their counterparts in Gombe State.
Mrs Farida Waziri has several brand new cars parked in her husband’s house in Gombe as if it’s a car dealership. Please send security operatives to search Senator Ajuji’s house in Gombe and you will be amazed by the find.
We can no longer tolerate the excesses of Mrs Farida Waziri in Gombe State. Senator Ajuji Waziri is a loser and it cannot be reversed by intimidation.

We call on Mr. President to order EFCC to release Mr. Zebulum Wasa immediately from this witchhunt and political intimidation. Mrs Farida Waziri should be suspended immediately while investigation should be carried out about her corrupt practices and wickedness against the Gombe people.
We the Tangale youth Forum also want to state categorically that we have never written any petition against Mr. Zebulum Wasa our leader as insinuated by the EFCC.
Tangale Youth Forum Biliri, Gombe State.
Bulus  Malami
Email:[email protected]

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