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If Not Now, When?

February 3, 2011

Afternoon all: Hello Fellow Nigerians. My name is Jide and I am one of the many millions of Nigerian youth living below potential in foreign land. Not like our fate is any different form the fates of our fellows based in our country anyway.

Afternoon all: Hello Fellow Nigerians. My name is Jide and I am one of the many millions of Nigerian youth living below potential in foreign land. Not like our fate is any different form the fates of our fellows based in our country anyway.

OK, enough has been said and more than enough promised but why exactly is our beloved country the way it is?

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Have we all seriously given up hope of having better livelihoods? Have you all resigned to leaving things to be the way they are and passing this baton of misery to your children and then theirs and then their children too. There is  a lot we can say and more than a lot on our minds, but if we don't stand up and require what is ours, NOTHING WILL GIVE.

God will not kill the bad leaders.

Our money WILL not be used for our development.
We WILL continue to live in misery and penury except we sell our souls to the devil and join them in looting our funds.

All I am saying is if the time to rise is not now, then when?

Please let me know.


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