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Citizens cry out: Nigeria Slouching towards fascism

January 29, 2006

RECENT political developments in Nigeria do not bode well for the future of civil rule and democracy. The prospects of Fascism are real and should be disturbing in an ostensibly democratic system. If we recall, the governments of Benito Mussolini, in 1922, and Adolf Hitler, in 1933, came to power through electoral means. As is often the case in teething fascisms and coup governments in the history of Nigeria, a delusion of messianism, 'the need to perpetuate reforms,' appears to be driving another government to take anti-democratic and unconstitutional routes to achieve apparent self-ends.

The following are merely illustrative: President Olusegun Obasanjo has been widely suspected to harbour a desire for a third term. He has done nothing to dispel these suspicions. Rather, his silence appears like a chilling confirmation and lends support to his acolytes' shameless acts of political brinksmanship. Late General Sani Abacha did exactly the same thing. Obasanjo has sought to realise this fantasy by setting up a constitution review panel. Yet the report of the National Political Reforms Conference established to review the constitution has been swept aside. We note the government's contempt for judicial decisions which are not favourable to its position, as exemplified in the withholding of the statutory allocation to the Local Governments in Lagos State, against the decision of the highest court in the country. The disdain for the court injunctions against the forceful eviction of the occupants of federal properties in Lagos. Even Nigeria's number one Judicial Officer, Mohammed Uwais had complained about the selective attitude of the Government of General Obasanjo to the decisions of law courts. Direct support of political associates who commit treasonable felony and disrupt law and order in their states, as is the case in Anambra and Oyo states. Forceful and illegal closure of broadcast stations, as was the case in the closure of Africa Independent Television (AIT), Lagos, Bayelsa State Radio service, Yenagoa, and Rhythm 93.7FM, Port Harcourt, and the arrest of the latter's News Director and Programme Manager, David Obi and Loknan Dombim. The spate of unresolved assassinations. The ominous clamp down on dissent as exemplified in police action against women protesting the derelict state of our aviation industry under the banner of 'Concerned Mothers' in Lagos on 16 December 2005, and the January 12, 2006 gangster-style arrest in Kaduna, allegedly on orders from the Presidency, of the human rights activist and chairman of the Socialist Front, Mallam Shehu Sani by men of the State Security Services (SSS). This campaign is against General Obasanjo's increasing intransigence and the worrying posturing of his acolytes. It is also a warning to the public to become more proactive in helping this government recognise the dangers in prosecuting any agenda that may become deleterious to the healthy development of a democratic culture in Nigeria. Specifically, we call for the following: Return to the Rule of Law and due process.

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The immediate investigation of all political disturbances in some states of the Federation and specifically, the arrest and prosecution of Chris Uba, Lamidi Adedibu other so-called godfathers that have committed treasonable felony and instigated violence with a view to undermining peaceful governance in their respective states. The speedy trial of Ralph Uwazuirike , Asari Dokubo, Federick Faseun and Gani Adams. In the event that the government finds no justifiable reason to prosecute them, they should be released immediately. The immediate release of Mallam Shehu Sani. Speedy public denial, preferably in a national broadcast, by General Obasanjo of any third term bid, including a denouncement of the activities of all those campaigning for such bid. Immediate stop by the government to the use of the apparatus of the state to intimidate anyone with a presidential ambition. Immediate steps by political parties and the civil society towards mobilising and organising with a view to producing and encouraging the emergence of presidential aspirants with alternative visions to General Obasanjo's. In this regard, cue should be taken from the courageous stance of Alhaji M.D. Yusufu and Dr Tunji Braithwaite under the fearsome junta of General Abacha. Clear indication by General Obasanjo of his acknowledgement of his status as an out-going President, by publicly advising, encourage and supporting democratic and electoral institutions to produce good and credible leadership at all levels. Urgent reconstitution of the coalition of opposition forces which resisted the regimes of Generals Babangida and Abacha. Closer and more critical monitoring of the political process towards 2007 by the Media, civil society organisations, professionals, politicians, students, market women and men, peasants and artisans. Eternal vigilance, goes the saying, is the price of liberty. Our country must move forward. Aladese, Akindolire, Ihidero, Toye, Awoyokun, Babatunde and Adesokan are Nigerian writers resident in different parts of the world.

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