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Breaking News :Charles Taylor Escapes from Nigeria... headed to Harare?

March 27, 2006
 Saharareporters gathered from Nigeria today that Charles Ganaka Taylor , former Liberian warlord and president who was in exile in Nigeria, fled last night with the help Nigerian authorities. Until his mysterious escape was living comfortably in Calabar in the Southern part of Nigeria with full retinue of staff and family.


Recently, the Nigerian government relunctantly agreed to hand over Charles Taylor to the Liberian government so that he would face war crimes allegations for his support for Sierra Leonean rebels at the Special Tribunal in Sierra Leone.


Earlier Saharareporters spoke with the West African Bar Association president, Barrister Femi Falana who is currently attending a human rights conference in Freetown, Sierra Leone about Taylor’s escape, he confirms to us that Taylor escaped last night from Calabar. 


A short statement was released by  Human Rights Watch today from New York calling on the Nigerian government to urgently find Charles Taylor, the text read: "Nigeria must immediately search for and take Taylor into custody.  Taylor's disappearance on Nigeria's watch is a disgrace.  It brings into question President Obasanjo's commitment to peace and security for the people of West Africa, the reason he allegedly took Taylor in in the first place.  As both an indicted war criminal for crimes in Sierra Leone and the person singularly associated with causing mayhem and murder throughout West Africa, Taylor is a serious threat to the region.  If Taylor cannot be found, President Obasanjo will have a lot to answer for.   Moreover, all other countries are obliged to prevent Taylor from entering or transiting through their territory.  Taylor is under a U.N.  Security Council-imposed travel ban. "


 It is being rumored that Charles Taylor may be headed to Harare on a fresh exile under a 'deal' worked under the table between President Obasanjo and Zimbabwean leader, Robert Mugabe.

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