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Gov. Peter Obi of Anambra gets "Impeachment Notice", Obasanjo says 'No'

October 15, 2006

Saharareporters, New York


 Just as a new governor, Mr. Friday Akinremi was sworn in today in Ekiti State after the impeachment of Ayodele Fayose whose whereabouts is still unknown, members of Anambra State house of assembly have served an “impeachment notice” on  Governor Peter Obi of Anambra State.


It had been rumored that Governor Peter Obi, who was recently restored to Anambra State after an electoral court adjudicated in the case of election fraud in his favor, was having a hard time working with the house of assembly predominantly made of PDP members. Amongst loud complaints against the governor for “being too slow” to develop Anambra State like his predecessor, Dr. Chris Ngige had done before him, members of the state house of assembly publicly accused the governor before President Obasanjo during his official visit last week.


The governor became very unpopular when he allegedly collaborated with the federal government to rout out members of the separatist movement-Movement for the Actualization of the Sovereign State of Biafra, MASSOB, who were indiscriminately killed by federal security forces. He was also accused of  corruption, members of the house said he deposited about N11 billion in  Fidelity Bank, a commercial bank in which he was former board chairman and also has substantial interest.


Meanwhile, President Obasanjo through the National Working Committee of the PDP has resisted attempts by the PDP led house to impeach the governor. Our sources said Governor Obi had already entered into negotiation with the PDP leadership to join the PDP and as such the president was embarrassed by the action of the PDP members in Anambra State 16 of who served the impeachment notice on Peter Obi. The president earlier today sent a “high –level” delegation led by PDP chairman, Ahmadu Alli to Anambra State to reign in the dissident members of PDP in the state. Chief Maduekwe Ojo, PDP national secretary threatened to deal ruthlessly with PDP members in Anambra State house of assembly if they don’t back down on the threat to impeach Gov. Obi with “immediate effect”.

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