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Anambra State: Deputy Governor Sworn in

November 3, 2006
The Anambra State saga took another bizarre turn earlier today as Mrs. Dame Virgy Etiaba was sworn in Awka by the chief judge of the state, Hon. Okoli, she becomes the first ever female governor in Nigeria's history and the third in Anambra State since 2003.

Saharareporters gathered from sources in Awka that Mrs. Virgy Etiaba agreed to be sworn in after she visited the Ikemba of Nnewi, Chief Ojukwu in company of the impeached governor, Mr. Peter Obi. It is not clear if her new position was as a result of her own game plan or something decided between her and former principal, Peter Obi.

Sources in Awka told Saharareporters that when Peter Obi met with the Ikemba, Chief Ojukwu it was decided that Mrs. Etiaba be allowed to take over as governor so as to avoid the imposition of a state of emergency on Anambra state by president Obasanjo, who they believe is very much behind the crisis.

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The deal is to have Mrs. Etiaba hold on to the governorship seat while Peter Obi assembles a strong legal team to challenge his impeachment in a court of law, it is unclear if Peter Obi will stick to the agreement to allow Mrs. Etiaba rule as governor, as he vows today to continue fighting against his impeachment describing it as a "slap of constitutionality".

Mrs. Etiaba said that much at the swearing in ceremony, she maintained that she doesn't want to be congratulated or buffetted with praise, she promised to shunning or welcoming solidarity visits from any groups whatsoever.

More to come...

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