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Oyo State: A state of Emergency beckons

November 4, 2006
The theatre of the absurd played out today in Ibadan, Oyo State as thugs led by Mr. Gbolarumi and other PDP party members loyal to  Chief  Lamidi Adedibu went on rampage killing two people. The events were reminiscents of the wild-wild-west days of wetie when the same elements held the Southwest by its jugular leading to a major crisis that eventually engulfed Nigeria.

The ugly events of today took place as the People's Democratic Party (PDP) commenced its party ward congresses nationwide, according to eyewitnesses accounts, party thugs and street urchins loyal  to Chief Lamidi Adedibu seized every nook and cranny of expansive Ibadan city and unleashed violence on innocent citizens killing two people and destroying properties belonging to politicians loyal to Chief Rashidi Ladoja-the erstwhile governor of Oyo State who was recently reinstated by the Appeal Court sitting in Ibadan.

Since the judgment delivered by the Appeal Court was announced, the Federal Government of Nigeria had played an ambigous and criminal silence on the matter, the Inspector General of Police, Sunday Ehindero whose role it was to secure Oyo State and restore the security of Governor Ladoja has so far refused to state a clear position. Instead IGP has been blowing hot and cold on the issue, though yesterday he restored the security detail of Chief Rasheed Ladoja, his subordinates have explained to the media that it was not intended to restore him to power, they continue to insist that the Attorney General of the federation, Mr. Bayo Ojo was yet to "properly grant the IG the correct legal opinion" that could aid the restoration of Chief Ladoja to his throne as the governor.

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As it stands, the federal government seems to have recreated their ideal intervention strategy by deliberately encouraging violence in Ibadan so as to impose a state of emergency. From all indications, the federal government led by president Obasanjo has refused to withdraw the security detail of the illegal governor of Oyo State, Bayo Alao -Akala. He is still fully enpanelled with heavy security, yesterday he drove to Ogbomoso his hometown and addressed his supporters bragging about being in 'absolute control', he maintains that he is still governor of Oyo State.

Obasanjo critics points to this trend in Ekiti State where the president reinforced the security of two opposing camps only to declare a state of emergency as they made conflicting claims to power, the same is currently going on in Anambra State where the Deputy Governor, Dame Virgiania Etiaba was sworn in yesterday under tight security while the 'impeached governor, Peter Obi laid claim to power in another section the government house.

The stage is still dominated by Chief Lamidi Adedibu and his political loyalists who continue to unleash violence on innocent citizens in Ibadan city in the full glare of police officers and other security agents who provide cover for their dastardly activities, in light of these premeditated violence, the IGP has asked that Chief Rasheed Ladoja shelve his intended resumption to duty as governor on Monday as announced, sources said the violence in Ibadan today was encouraged by Obasanjo to give teeth to his plot to postpone the execution of the Appeal Court judgment.

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