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US Money Laundering case: Andy Uba settles out of court, forfeits $26,000

November 6, 2006
Saharareporters, New York


Saharareporters  reliably gathered from the US Federal District court in Portland, Oregon that the case involving Emmanuel Nnamdi "Andy" Uba and Loretta Mabinton had been "settled out of court" with the US federal authorities, the money laundering case which was finally adjudicated upon by Judge Marsh of the US District Court in Portland, Oregon with case #: 05-1939-MA was closed on Septemeber 27 2006 with a "final out of court settlement" with the US government after Andy Uba and Loretta Mabinton agreed to forfeit $26,000 to the US government. The final judgment was two pages long.

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Saharareporters will bring you details of court proceedings soon!

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