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Obasanjo threatens Saharareporters

November 7, 2006
Saharareporters attention has been drawn to a threat mail written by one Kunle Fagbenle who claimed to be "Personal Legal Counsel on International Matters to President Olusegun Obasanjo"  in Maryland, US.

In the said letter Mr. Kunle Fagbenle claimed that our website defamed his client over a story we did on President Obasanjo's Senior Assistant on Domestic Matters, Emmanuel Uba (A.K.A Andy), we are aware that Obasanjo is desperately trying to silent our important voice over the sordid state of affairs in Nigeria with which our many reports have shone light without fear or boundaries.

We would love to assure our teeming readers that Saharareporters will NOT be intimidated by the president and his team of Washington,DC-based patrons who are hell bent on silencing our important voice in the way our nation Nigeria is run, instead we have decided to release original copies of the outcome of the Andy Uba's scandal in our E-Library (, this include the original copy of the affidavit sworn by special ICE agent Guy Gino of the Homeland Security Department of the US.

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We remain steadfast in our work and assures you all that we would not rest until Nigeria and indeed the rest of Africa is liberated from all forms of fuzzy visioners and hypocrites.

As appropriate we would respond to President Obasanjo and his coterie of court jesters without detracting from our mission and commitments.

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