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Andy Uba indicted, reports missing!

December 30, 2006
Based upon the White Paper, the government of Anambra State had approached the Supreme Court and sued the Federal government for billions of naira in damages, however, recently the attorney general of the state secretly withdrew the lawsuit from the Supreme Court and the government printer refused to gazette the indictment in the state's statute books.

The 'disappearance' of the white paper is creating ripples across the state as it had been decided by political leaders across Anambra State that Andy Uba was not qualified to rule over the same state he burnt down in 2003-2004.

A regular source told Saharareporters that Andy Uba was directly responsible for financing the violence that rocked the state from Abuja'. "He was directly placed in the middle of the violence, even much more than Chris, his notorious brother" said our source.

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Apart from insanity and bankruptcy, an indictment by a legally constituted panel of inquiry by a government organ constitute grounds to disqualify a candidate from public office

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