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Obasanjo admits electoral flaws, but says it is alright anyways!

April 22, 2007
President Obasanjo gives nationwide broadcast to soften ground for INEC to declare Umar Yar'adua as the "President -Elect". National broadcast came as anxious pressmen await INEC's announcement of results of rigged poll in Abuja.
President acknowledges the polls were rigged. He blames political parties for the hiccups associated with the flawed poll. He appears to be under a lot of pressure in the short nationwide broadcast beamed live on the National Television Authority (NTA).

In accepting the polls were marred by violence, ballot stuffing and massive fraud occasioned by multiple voting, the president said that the final results "did not deviate substantially from the projected results". President Obasanjo ask aggrieved citizens to go to the electoral tribunals, he directs INEC to provide support to plaintiffs and defendants in the cases that will come up at the tribunals.

INEC will be announcing Umar Yar'adua as the winner of the rigged elections shortly!

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