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Yar’adua Returns to Abuja…Avoids the Media

April 24, 2008
Saharareporters, New York

Ailing Umar Yar’adua returned back home to Abuja tonight with a  very brief airport ceremony. Some 11 governors, federal ministers and aides met him on arrival on board the presidential jet accompanied by his aides, wife and doctors.

So many officials  waited to greet him upon arrival but he only shook hands with a few officials before he was ushered into the presidential motorcade and driven straight to the Aso Rock Villa in the capital city of Abuja where he was quickly moved over to the private residence accompanied by his vice, Goodluck Jonathan. Other officials were barred from following him to the residential area.

Saharareporters had earlier reported that Alhaji Yar’adua was traveling back from Germany tonight. For close to 2 weeks he had received treatment for varieties of ailments dogging him. Apart from the prognosis of Churg Strauss Syndrome, he was also reportedly hallucinating after he was released from hospital last Friday in Wiesbaden.

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