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MEND to consider "Ceasefire" Appeal by Barack Obama

May 3, 2008
On Saturday, May 3, 2008 at around 0200Hrs, a militant cell  empowered by the Movement for the Emancipation of the Niger Delta (MEND) over-ran a heavily fortified Shell flow station in Bayelsa state and destroyed the facility including the destruction of three well heads under the on-going operation cyclone.   This attack was prompted by four factors. (1) To support small cells like the ones that attacked Chevron in Delta state. (2) To let the oil companies know that we consider the military gunboats and soldiers guarding their facilities as mere ornaments and can confront them at will. (3) To dispel the assurances of ensuring peace by some compromised militants who have sold their birth rights. (4) The kangaroo court ruling insisting on a secret trial for Henry Okah.   We wish to deny categorically that the kidnapped Mrs Margaret Idisi was ever taken to any MEND camp as carried by a local newspaper. This is a government propaganda. Not only do our camps  not welcome women since this is a taboo to the war rites we perform, but we do not waste time holding locals as hostages. Many kidnappings going on today are being perpetrated by those close to the victims.   MEND confirms Awala Emmanuel who led the attack on Chevron succumbed to injuries sustained during the attack while undergoing surgery in one of the MEND camps. His sacrifice and others before him will not be in vain for the just cause they are fighting.   The MEND command is seriously considering a temporary ceasefire appeal by Senator Barack Obama. Obama is someone we respect and hold in high esteem. The period of halting attacks we hope when considered, will afford the Nigerian government the opportunity to address the issues with Henry Okah including improving his living conditions and having access to a bible which he has requested for but was denied.   Jomo Gbomo

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