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"Repackaged" Yar'adua to Meet Nigerian Media.

May 10, 2008
In an attempt to dismiss growing rumors about Yar'adua's fragile state of health, his handlers have asked that he make more public appearances. They are repackaging Yar'adua to draw sympathy from the public.

Yesterday, he showed up in Yenegoa, Bayelsa State, to flag off the re-election campaigns of the People's Democratic Party (PDP) candidate, Timipre Sylva, contrary to reports in newspapers that he had abandoned the trip due to security concerns. Sources told Saharareporters that Yar'adua will also visit his home state of Katsina today (May 11 2008) Plans are also afoot for a press conference with members of the Nigerian media sometime this week.

Yar'adua's brief visit to the Niger Delta region would be his first since coming to office through the flawed April 2007 general elections. Since returning from Germany two weeks ago, he has not stepped out of the vicinity of the Aso Rock villa, his official residence.

Aso Rock sources spoke of his fragile condition when he attempted to attend the May 1st 2008 Labor Day in Abuja. Yar'adua reportedly made efforts  to attend the event by sending in an abridged program of event to the organizers, which would cut off the traditional parade by labor groups across the country. Even though labor leaders agreed in principle to accommodate his request to enable him participate in the Labor Day event he called off his participation at the last minute.
Yar'adua has done only one televised press conference since the beginning of his controversial tenure almost a year ago. The program tagged "Mr. President Explains" was packaged by state run Nigeria Television Authority (NTA) and its radio counterpart, Radio Nigeria. Yar'adua had to abandon the program halfway when he lost concentration and had shortness breath. It is not clear if the media circus show planned for later this week will be  of any significance since his media handlers are already in touch with friendly journalists to throw softball questions at the ailing president.

The Presidency has already imported medical equipment and German doctors  to cater to Yar'adua’s health needs to keep him functioning until his next appointment in Germany.

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