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May 19, 2008


  THE MUSA YAR'ADUA SERIES – Sahara Reporters' EXCLUSIVE Image removed. The Aso ROCK GUNNER. Musa Yar'adua is holding an automatic weapon in the premises of the Presidential Villa with Aso Rock in the background.
Image removed. Wondering Where the PEF Bikes meant for the Nigerian police Went? Well, Some for Musa and Umaru Yar'adua, the Ever Sluggish President of Nigeria . Image removed. Growing Up Dangerously, the Abacha Way . In a country where most kids can't afford one meal, the son of Nigeria 's Servant Leader Lives Dangerously Large-Here in a Convertible Sports Car. Image removed. Musa's Bling and PIMPED Cars. Musa is also a car-loving freak and pimp. 'It is the RULE OF LAW'. Image removed. PGovernment Money In Government House. Musa Yar'adua lays Money on the Floor, it is the re-incarnation of Barkin Zuwo. Image removed. Since we started reaping profit from high oil prices we haven't had a chance to see any developments, here is the MONEY in Musa Yar'adua's Room in Aso Rock.. Image removed. Innocence Interrupted - The making of another despotic brigand, or the evolution of an oligarchy? Image removed. Innocence Interrupted - With such early exposure to wanton misuse of public funds, what will he grow up to be? Image removed. Declaring Victory - Over poverty, over misery, over the unwashed, suffering and neglected masses?

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