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An open letter to PSC chairman, Parry Osanyande!

January 1, 2009

Attention: Mr. Parry Osanyande, Chairman, PSC

Good Day to you sir,

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I write to express my heartfelt displeasure over the Dissmisal of Mr. Nuhu Ribadu. As a young Nigerian and one who hopes for a refined and decent Nigerian some day, I find my dreams and hope be thwarted by your recent actions. I very much know that you have children like me, some of them may EVEN BE my seniors but I tend to wonder, is this the type of Nigeria you wish to leave for them when you finally take your leave? A Nigeria where the wrong people boost to deal with people like Ribadu and successfully get that done through the Commission which you chaired?

Please dont get me wrong sir, you may be right in your Professional actions with respect to RIBADU but the message you sent to me and others who live zealously for Nigeria is DEAFING!. I am still at lost what it all means. By the time I woke up by tomorrow morning I will reapprease the reality that has befall my beloved country. Please do me this one favour, reply this mail personally, not as a Professional retired Police Officer but as a Nigerian who has children, Grand Children and generations yet unborn who lives today and will be among us in this same society of ours. Think ahead sir, can any of them ever dare to be patriotic like Ribadu did and recieve a royal treatment as your Commission has done? If I dont receive a reply, I will assume you said YES and I will be happy for doing me this favour. It will help me to begin to know how to LOVE Nigeria as a country or hate her as the case may be. I urgently need your fatherly advice this crucial moment of my life.

You may be wondering why I choose to write you directly instead of just commenting like others publicly. I know that you are from the Niger Delta like me and the suffering on our people is much more than it used to be. Ribadu fought Ibori, Odili, Alamesiegha, Goodluck Jonathan's wife, etc and these people vow to deal with him. They find solace in your Commission. I am sad about it because your children, brothers, nephew, cousins, tribal brothers and neighbours will continue to remain in impoverishment as long as people like Ribadu is not in Nigeria to fight against those who have vowed to make us slaves.

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I may not know how to explain my pain to you sir but suffice to say, the war against Corruption will start and end with the Police Service Commission. Mrs Farida Waziri is a Police Officer like you, same with IGP Okiro. The three of you has spoken so loudly that even the deaf Nigerians among us can tell the direction of the anti-corruption crusade. All my life, I have come to know that "What you make happen for others, God and providence make happen for you". I wish you, myself, the suffering people of the Niger-Delta and Nigeria a Merry Christmas & a PROSPEROUS New Year

Israel  Abraham

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