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Open letter to Gov Rotimi Amaechi: Defeating the monster called kidnapping

February 16, 2009
Your Excellency: It was Edmund Burke (1729 – 1797) who said “All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing”. Witchcraft is not only the art of flying supernaturally with broom sticks in broad day light, or the practice of magic or satanic rituals that cause harm to people. It generally entails gruesome acts of wickedness such as kidnapping and raping. Many people overtly or covertly practice witchcraft, an abomination before the Most High. It is a satanic instrument of wickedness used to inflict pain and destruction on people.

It is indeed a truism that not a few people escaped from Port Harcourt several months ago when the level of insecurity became unbearable. Recently, I visited the Garden City after many months away and was I impressed at what I saw and heard you have been doing? I sure was. I pray that God will give leaders like you with great vision and passion, the wisdom and courage to ignore all the distractions from political antagonists and criminals, so that you will be focused on the laudable goals you have to develop Rivers State.

It is emotionally very painful to behold the deplorable state of things in our country generally. Most of our leaders are always tripping abroad to developed countries. I wonder why a good number of them don’t get inspired to come back and replicate what they see abroad. It is inspiring to see and hear about the fantastic developmental efforts being made in Lagos, Rivers, Enugu and Delta States respectively. Over the years, we have been unfortunate to have leaders who were ill prepared and/or visionless. A visionless leader is like a blind and deaf person walking in a crowded shopping Mall.

Now, back to the scourge of the terror called kidnapping. This monster is spreading its web from the Niger Delta region of Nigeria to other parts of the country, even Abuja. Something drastic and urgent needs to be done to destroy this monster before it paralyses developmental efforts across the nation. It is undoubtedly the responsibility of the Federal Government to stern this evil tide. I dare say the Federal Government is not doing enough to protect its people.

Acts of kidnapping are acts of terror. Terrorism is the use of violence and brutally coordinated strategies to attack individuals or states for political, fanatical and/or criminal purposes. It is an act of wickedness, oppression and lawlessness.

A situation where people live constantly in fear of being kidnapped for ransom must be unacceptable to any responsible Government.  It is the height of madness for children and the aged to be abducted for whatever reason. These days, even a Gardner or a Gate man wants to be a millionaire over night and the easy way to achieve such goal nowadays is to collaborate with evil merchants called kidnappers. Domestic servants, relatives, etc, can no longer be trusted.

It is impossible for any Government to provide 100% protection for its citizens. Howbeit, this kidnapping monster has to be dealt with once and for all. Enough is enough. While acknowledging your phenomenal effort at improving the hitherto deplorable state of security in Rivers state, permit me to posit unequivocally, from a layman’s point of view, one or two ideas or ways we can all fight and defeat the scourge of kidnapping:

1.       The people all have to be involved in this fight. It is affecting businesses and affecting lives generally. Rivers people should be sensitized to join this war against terror (kidnapping). Everyone can do something. Anyone who witnesses the adoption of a victim should make a call to the authorities given lucid description of the incidence, the time and area it occurred and possibly the direction the culprits are heading;

2.       A special anti-terror squad can be set up and made public through effective enlightenment campaigns. Such a squad should be made up of the best intelligence officers and sharp shooters in the State Security Service. They should be perfectly equipped with adequate and sophisticated weapons of warfare and telecommunication equipments and gears. So, whenever anyone is kidnapped, passers-by or eye witnesses can call certain dedicated phone lines to give expedient information to such an anti-terror team;

3.       The Rivers State Government should offer a cash reward of N2 million to any member of the public who provides reliable information leading to the capture of kidnappers and the rescue of their victims;

4.       Special telephone hotlines should be set up and made public through rigorous enlightenment campaigns so that where there are incidences of abduction, law enforcement agents can be alerted through such hot-lines;

5.       Laws should be promulgated (perhaps this has been done already or is in the pipe line) stipulating capital punishment for acts of terror like kidnapping and rape crimes;

6.       There should be heavy Police observation points at various exit locations in major cities of Rivers State so that whenever there is a repeat of this evil act of kidnapping, exits out of major Rivers cities will then be closely monitored by security agents.

Importantly Your Excellency, involve the people. Law enforcement cannot work effectively without intelligence reports or information. These criminals are not spirits. They live among us.

The SSS should live up to expectation. Today, a man is a Welder or Bricklayer or a Gate man. The next day, he buys two SUV’s and becomes oga spending money recklessly and arrogantly. He is awarded a chieftaincy title and no one questions how he made his sudden riches. People must be made accountable in our Country. It is not so difficult to fight criminality if we set our minds to work.

Let me use this opportunity to appeal to all our “brothers” who claim to be fighting against the injustices meted out on the Niger Delta region and its people but who inadvertently add to the sorrow and pain of people of the region. Our battles against injustice, exploitation and abuse of our resources must be ideological. The barrel of guns will not bring succor to our people. They have made their point. Their voice has been heard around the world. Now is the apt time for dialogue and negotiations. They too must join this fight against criminal elements that are poisoning their struggle and stifling their voices through acts of terror. Armed robbers have suddenly become ‘militants’ too.

Most Militant groups claim to be freedom fighters. So, what are they doing against those who kidnap, oppress and kill little children, rape women and torture families in the name of ransom? A man works so hard to overcome the heat of the economic recession and cater to the needs of his family only to hear his wife has been kidnapped and the terrorists demand N100 million. What is our country turning into? Why are people so heartless? And because people do not have much confidence in our law enforcement agents, they gather (even borrow money and sell their belongings) money from all sources to pay for the release of their loved ones. So why won’t more unemployed or greedy people diversify into the kidnapping venture?

The Federal Government of Nigeria should wake up to its responsibility of protecting innocent lives from these terrorists that have invaded our land. If the FGN cannot protect the people, then it has failed as a Government.

Your Excellency, keep up the good work you are doing. We are eager for more changes and development. A desert (Dubai) was turned into a heavenly city. You can do better in Rivers State. Aim for the Moon and even if you do not reach it, at least you’ll be far above the ground.

Thank you for your attention and accept the assurances of my highest regards.


Author & Speaker,

[email protected]


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