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Still on corrupt Justice Iheme-Nwosu-Shame on the Media

February 16, 2009
We ("Dr. Emma Oguamanam") read with dismay your obvious display of vendetta, personal grievance and utter ignorance and callousness on your unwarranted and baseless attack on the Ebonyi Election Tribunal Chairman, two years after, Your degeneratring to the extent of now making it a a very personal matter by using the photograph of the President of the Court of Appeal and that of Justice Nwosu-Iheme to put on an old baseless and childish article clearly shows that you are not genuinely attacking the judgement but have descended and degenerated to using Saharareporters Report to settle grievance and animosity towards the Chairman, Your reply to a concerned citizen yesterday also puts in doubt to who is behind your shameless article.
 Otherwise, how do you shamelessly attack Justice Nwosu when five judges sat and signed the judgement which is a public document, why do you wickedly and mischievously write that three judges signed the baseless ogbonnaya onu so called petition when you should have the judgement with you, why do you degenerate to making it so obvious that you have a personal grievance against Justice Nwosu the chairman by going to her birthday photographs put by her family and using it on your old mischievous article which has since been overtaken by events, you even in your reply to a concerned citizen say the other judgements she gave at the tribunal where minor slide shows, what a shame to journalism and a shame to your sponsors. by doing so, you are merely making a carricature of sahara reporters and portraying it as an avenue of settling personal grievances.

We in Ebonyi are aware that desperate and shameless people like Ogbonnaya Onu, his wife who lives in America and the likes of   Anthony okah the so called  APGA gubernatorial candidate who has since shamelessly decamped to PDP are educated enough to know that even if three or four judges sign a judgement out of four or five judges, the judgement signed by three judges is the Majority judgement.
To show how personal  the attack is, all judges in  Nigeria go an vacation every year fron August to September, what has Justice Nwosu personal vacation in America got to do with delivering judgement, if you are not fighting a shameless battle, your shameless tabloid read by less than one percent of Nigerians should also Note that Judges in Nigeria do not apply to the Supreme Court or Appeal Court, or indeed any superior court of record, to say that Justice Nwosu applied twice to go to court of appeal is not only laughable and childish, it is unbecoming of mortals who possesses even a primary school certificate. It clearly shows how bitter, how dirty and how callous human beings can be, You shameless media have of recent even castigated the  Highly revered Justices of the Nigerian Supreme court of Accepting bribe of $30million from president yar adua, also made a picture of the presidents son or grandson with a double barreled gun and stash of money, what do you shameless rogues at  Sahara really want to achieve.
    Ogbonnaya onu did not even believe in hs own petition, otherwise why did he run away, i witnessed most of the proceedings in court, why did he abandon his petition without coming to Court to prove his own petition which he signed, you have also wickedly and mischievously refused to state that Ogbonnaya Onu was just challenging 3 local governments in the whole state, that even all the whole votes where given to him, he would have still lost woefully, Ebonyi was one of the few states that had what even international observers agreed was a free and fair election, Apart from Lagos, Edo, Bauchi, and Kano, Ebonyi ranks fifth in the fairest election of 2007, your tabloid have even failed to even write about more controversial states like Oyo, Ekiti, Imo. delta and some other states where they had clear election shenanigans.
 To show that you have allowed your faceless Saharareporters that I have never heard before in my life to be used as an object of caricature and vendetta why are you still attacking the decision of the lower court when Ogbonnaya Onu has gone to the Appeal court and his worthless petition thrown to the thrash can where it rightful belongs to? why are you not attacking the Court of appeal if you are genuinely aggrieved and whose judgement is final, if you are not fighting a personal and shameless battle. The court of Appeal has also upheld the judgement of the trial tribunal in Ude Amantas case and you know it and vaguely claiming ignorance in your shameless write up.
Why have you  and your shameless sponsors suddenly realized that the judgement delivered since 2007 was influenced? is it not childish and rediculous? is it not dirty vendetta? Do not allow your personal grievances blind fold you and effect your already polluted and false sense of reasoning, your sponsors are very bad loosers and now carring thier childish attack to a ridiculous extent, next time tell them to go to more established media houses and not saharareporters that most of the articles they write end up being  read by their poorly educated staff, who migrated to the United States illegally.Writing Falsehood is one avenue you shameless vogues think you can use to attract readers, read my lips it will not work
It has become very clear that you have a very personal grievance against Justice Nwosu the chairman and the appeal court President who is a very decent muslim, having met him on several occasions, you have exhibited it and made it clear to everybody. please on a final note do not use the Ebonyi election tribunal as a shield and hide under Ebonyi Trubunal  to fight your dirty and personal battle, your attack is so worthless, baseless and non existent, what you shameless rogues  in Sahara are doing is like looking for a leg of the snake.
On a final note Martin Elechi our great governor and hero is a descent grandfather, he fought and singlehandedly made Ebonyi to be a state. The people of Ebonyi voted for him massively in 2007 and there was never a way onu would have defeated him in an open election, Onu wanted to get victory through the back door and our learned Justices unanimously told him a big No , and if the justices gave it to him Ebonyi would have erupted in flames. that i could guarantee you without any doubt, Onu should go and shamelessly live with his wife in America and stop embarrassing highly regarded Nigerian appeal court justices, it is so unfair and wicked, the same with Anthony Okah and Ude Amanta.
 Dr Emma Oguamanam
writing from Ebonyi state

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