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("Dr. Emma Oguamanam"): Still in Justice Iheme-Nwosu

February 17, 2009
Image removed.It was really laughable reading your reply to my letter to you fogues yesterday, you really degenerated  to making  your article more of a joke and comedy than a meaningful one, any sane person reading that comedic article will and never can take you guys at Sahara serious, you failed woefully to address the core issues which is that it is wrong for anyone who is aggrieved to just give you guys a photograph, and you fogues will accept it and place it on your website, it is very wrong. if that is the case i can give you a nude picture of any of my famous friends and without asking or veryfying you fogues will go ahead and publish it, i don't know the way you guys reason but it is wrong.
Don't miss my point, calling me a sycophant does not make sense, i have a Phd in Economics from the highly regarded Imperial college London, all i was trying to do is to make the point that Nigerians are generally bad loosers, when a judgement is delivered naturally the guys on the loosing side will feel aggrieved,there must be a winner and a looser, if you watched the Ekiti judgement yesterday the ousted Governor Segun Oni was sent a text message from the court that he won, Government house was immediately  thrown into celebration mood, until news filtered in that he lost,

Going by The reasoning of the political rogues down here what if he truly won, the opposition would have accused PDP of having a copy of  the judgement, and accuse the judges of corruption and maybe who knows, there next point of call might be SaharaReporters, and you rogues might have published a nasty article about the judges, so please the point should not be missed in all those high sounding and non existent vocabularies, you guys should learn to be professional about doing things in Sahara, it is really to the interest of everybody.

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