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Ibori Mistress Hopeful of Bail with Electronic Ankle Bracelets

February 21, 2009
Image removed.Four months after her arrival in the women-only Holloway jail in London, JamesImage removed. Ibori's mistress, 49-year old Udoamaka Okoronkwo, continued her custody this weekend following the objection to bail last Friday of the Crown Prosecution Service at the Southwark Crown court of Judge Rivlin.

Since her arrest last October in Paris on a European warrant and subsequent extradition to the UK, Mrs. Okoronkwo had been unable to make bail despite the efforts by Ibori and his associates.   Mrs. Okoronkwo bore James Ibori a female child.

 Saharareporters has learned, however, that Judge Rivlin has agreed to grant her bail early this week, but with very strict conditions.  Those conditions might include the kind of jewelry she is unfamiliar wit: an electronic ankle bracelet, to forestall another escape to Nigeria as she once did following her initial bail in 2006.

Mrs. Udoamaka's bail bond is being undertaken by an Ibori associate, Patrick Denyefa Ndiomu.  Mr. Ndiomu presented company minutes of Bronwen Energy Trading Limited as the court determined his suitability to stand as security in the sum of £200,000 and a Surety of £400,000.  In his sworn court testimony on Friday, Mr. Ndiomu claimed that the board of Bronwen Energy passed a resolution to lend him the required £200,000.

 However, unknown to Ndiomu, the Crown Prosecution's check on his company ownership structure revealed that Chiedu Ebie is also a shareholder and director of Bronwen Energy.  Chiedu Ibie is implicated in a series of money-laundering investigations in London that include James Ibori in London.
Indications are that Mrs.  Okoronkwo will be bailed on Monday when the bail bond funds are paid into the City of Westminster Court.  Given her record and the quality of her associates, however, it is a safe bet that every whisper or shuffle of hers will be closely monitored and recorded.

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