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February 26, 2009

Few days ago another round of state sponsored killing of people from Southern Nigeria with special emphasis on the Igbo Christians residing in Bauchi State got underway just as was the case late 2008 in Jos, Plateau State. Whenever this incident breaks out, it has become customary for the Sultan of Sokoto and other muslim leaders to make some kind of statement of 'peace since Islam is said to be a religion of 'peace'. One wonders who these men of dishonour are trying to fool with that sort of bare faced lies since they are unable to stop the people of the Northern part of Nigeria from killing those who live and work among them but are of different religious leaning. Koran/Islam encourages its adherents to kill those that are not of the same creed and this is one simple truth that this sultan/Islamic leaders along with previous ones can never face up to. In 2006, a lady teacher in one of the high schools in Bauchi was killed by muslims who claimed that she touched the Koran (suppose not to since she is not one of them) this lady was correcting a student who was doing something else where class was in progress and had to remove the Koran from the student and this led to hell breaking loose and the poor mother of a young child having to pay with her dear life in the process. An unspecified number of people later lost their lives to appease the islamists that such an error of the woman will never take place again. The Lady happens to be a Yoruba person and nothing was done about her manner of killing to this day. Only in Nigeria will this happen.


One wonders why those traders and people from the South of Nigeria keep staying or doing their businesses over there since they are not wanted by those whose regular business it is to kill them from time to time. It's now an annual ritual and another way of spending state security vote by sending out the almajiris to go on the killing rampage against southern Christians as well as all those living among them that are not of the muslim religion. You will now see self serving politicians such as governor Peter Obi of Anambra State preaching peace and doing everything to appear acceptable to his masters at Abuja. A man who was voted to protect the lives of our people, who later turned out to be a complete turn-coat against Igbo people by inviting Obasanjo to bring in the Nigerian army who are known to be most strong in killing defenceless civilians. By this single invitation Obasanjo was able to kill more than 1500 Igbo youths and also was able to score a point by using the Nigerian police to burn down the home of Zik of Africa at Onitsha and laying the blame on the innocent members of Movement for the Actualization Sovereign Nation of Biafra (MASNOB). What will Peter Obi or any of the other unelected governors of East do now or even those of the South West or South-South? Will the people ever get the kind of voice that they so deserve? Is this the kind of country that our fathers died fighting for? Who will stop this march by muslim zealots to dip the koran in the Niger? The gate-way is to conquer Jos and from there, match toward the south which is the final frontier.


Before one can understand what is behind all the islamic killings of people of other faiths in Nigeria, one must first understand the origin of this religion that places its messenger above the message. Many years ago I was told that there was no sect in islam and as I searched further, I found out that this was nothing but lies and deceptions by those that would have us believe that islam is a unified religion. I never had problems accepting those lies and deceptions back then since I really did not care much about what the religion was all about but over the years, I took a closer look at this Arabian-Mohamedian religion whose origin goes back to Arabia in the 9th century. I have also looked at the countries that are called Arab nations and how they follow or apply this religion to their political/economic activities and this left a lot to be desired. It may also interest you, the reader to know that it is not just Mohammed that happens to be the prophet but rather there was another guy that came up in Persia around 14 AD (Iran) and now they worship and adore him and this causes a lot of frictions among the various sects that populate Iraq where they are all mixed-up. The Shiites mirrors the notorious maitasine sect that held sway some years ago in the Northern part of Nigeria.

I began asking questions from hard-core muslims from Bauchi and other northern states who I understand do not compromise with islamic doctrine as well as its practice. I even wanted to find out what it really means to be


'practicing muslim' but all I found out was that you must pray five times daily and also do the mandatory fasting once the moon shows up depending on where you live as well as give alms to the beggars who are always around. If you happen to reside in Oyo State you may begin fasting one day or night earlier than those located in the great north of Nigeria. One thing I found very fascinating about the fasting period is the way muslims wake up very early in the morning to stuff themselves with loads of food in the morning from five AM to Six or Seven AM in readiness for fasting against same day. One question kept popping up in my mind and this had to do with what fasting is all about? Who introduced this very convenient way of fasting to muslims? Is this practice peculiar to Nigerian muslims or its done in all the muslim places around the world? What about those annoying prayer calls in the early hours of the morning, I used to wonder that the religion was practiced by those who must be called up (such as deaf-dumb-blind) before they ever gets to know that it is time to go for prayers at the mosque until I visited a number of countries and found out that you don't have to be a public nuisance in order to worship your God. The Nigerian Christians are equally guilty in this respect too.


Few years ago I was in Europe when a journalist made a cartoon of the muslim prophet and this actually led to demonstrations in certain Arab lands as well as death in such places as northern Nigeria and Pakistan. Speaking of Pakistan, I had two visitors to my office about that time to my office and out of curiosity I enquired from them why muslims are so prone to violence in defense of their prophet/religion and this two men proudly told me that the prophet told them to kill anyone who makes the mistake of drawing any image of him or that of their god popularly called allah. I was dumb founded when I further enquired from this guys who was higher between God and Mohammed and to my amazement they proudly stated that Mohammed was higher as far as their religion teaches them. I also found then that there was quite a lot of bad blood among muslims especially all the various sects such as the Shiites with special presence in Iran and parts of Iraq, then there are the Sunnis who are found in Jordan, Saudi Arabia and some other nations in the middle east. There are other sects that I never bothered to look into since investigating may lead to more troubling findings but to this day, I am still baffled as to how followers can be so naive to be convinced that the messenger can become so important than the one that sent him. How could Mohammed (the messenger) have become so more important than the very allah that sent him? Did he have any need to use spear in one hand, and the koran on the other to win converts for this god? The amazing thing remains that after all these, some stupid and misguided politicians like the former president of the United States George Bush will have you believe that Islam is a religion of peace.


Back to Nigeria in the year 2005, I made certain discovery that still trouble me to this day.

It has to do with the beggars found all over the country of Nigeria with the exemption of Abuja where Malam Nasser El-Rufai made sure that they never found comfort in Abuja and drove them back to their states as well as across the borders where they were coming from while he was the mayor of that city. I enquired from my muslim friend what the origins/history of these beggars were and what I got in reply was stunning to say the least: Back in the days of


famous islamic scholars, parents wanting the best for their kids by way of islamic studies from the best muslim scholars/alufa in town, sent their wards to learn from the best who in turn sent this kids to go begging for food for the islamic school that these so-called teachers were running and in the course of time, poor parents became smart and began sending their own kids to go begging just as those from the islamic schools were doing and while these innocent kids were doing the bidding of their teachers or parents, some never found their ways back home and their parents never really bothered looking for them since it was also 'part of the will of allah' if they never showed up back home and this was in itself a relief since it means less mouth for them to feed especially when there was not enough to go round. Sects in islam can be said to number according to the number of its preachers. If there are one thousand alufas or imams, then expect to have that same number of sects since their doctrines differs from each other. Since those scholars still exists and engage in this business of koranic studies with its students cut across from the suckling to adults, the lucrative business of begging will continue to thrive among the Hausa-Fulani tribe.


Because the Yoruba muslims are not considered really serious about the tenets of islam, they don't have a lot of the koranic schools and so do not raise enough kids to engage in the begging business, instead mothers go along with their kids to solicit for alms. You may have come across a mother with twin babies begging on the street corner or along the highways of Lagos after koranic classes.


Those kids that never returned home were called 'almajiri' and over time, they became very useful in hands of council officials as well as state governments in doing dirty jobs such as killing Christians especially the Igbo people who reside among them in all the Northern states of Nigeria. The population of almajiri continues to grow because they have both boys and gals among their teeming population who have neither mother or father and once they are able to reproduce, they mate among themselves thereby increasing their population. This is a conspiracy against the poor people who unfortunately are also muslims across the northern part of Nigeria. I have visited few other countries in West Africa who have muslim population such as Ghana and I did not find a single one that is living as the almajiris of Northern Nigeria. These are perhaps the major reason why the sultan of Sokoto, Ado Bayero of Kano, and all the muslim caliphates are holding offices to make sure that their slave trade continues to thrive even among those of their faith. They use the lazy hands of the almajiri to do their dirty jobs whenever they feel like it. Time will fail me to narrate all that I know about this unfortunate set of people who are condemned to a lifetime of slavery right in Nigeria and no one seems to care or do anything about it. At a time they even tried educating the cattle nomads but no one cared about the almajiri. If they are looked after, who will then say 'ranka dade' to the alhajis everyday especially after the Friday Juma't prayers? Most importantly, what will the generous alhajis/alhajas do with those alms that allah required of them to give to the needy?


Another good example comes from the house of Saud, in Saudi Arabia the home of the muslim holy sites where Umaru Yaradua went for kidney check up last year under the guise of lesser hajj or whatsoever they call it. Saudi Arabia was conquered by the house of Saud in the early 1900 and ever since, the land and its resources including its political leadership became part of the royal heritage. Any wonder then what is happening in Nigeria? The Nigerian Caliphate are in the process of executing a plan that comes straight out of the house of Saud to conquer the East and fragment it and call some Niger Delta and then take full control of the oil and carry out the grand plan of islamizing the entire land. It is very hard to point to any leader of an islamic country that is actually not manipulating religion to subject its people to despotic and corrupt leadership.



Have you wondered why muslims are ready to die in the cause of defending allah? Those two Pakistani guys tried woefully to address this question and then I had to actually go into studies to figure out exactly what is happening with islam especially in Nigeria and Pakistan two of the hotbeds of islam on this planet earth. The irony here is that the republic of Pakistan is an Islamic nation while Nigeria is said to be 'secular' whatever that means. In my studies to unmask all the web of lies and deceptions surrounding this religion and why violence seems to be the only way to settle disputes especially when it involves those that do not agree with them, I came across a document that was written long before the Babylonian captivity meaning that this goes way back past the invention of islam by the prophet of Arabia: "The original name of what is now called allah was Bel and it was said to be the chief domestic god of Babylon worshipped also by the Phoenicians, Canaanites, Moabites and surrounding nations. It was supposed to be the god of or idol used in worship of the sun; and astarte or asrareth the one used in the worship of planet Venus. There was also yet another deity called Nebo that was used in worship of mercury; he was said to be the scribe of heaven, supposedly, and recorded all earthly and heavenly events. He was the same as the Greek Hermes, the Latin Mercury, and the Egyptian Thoth. He was worshipped by also by the Babylonians, as well as the Assyrians, the Sabians in Arabia. The name was supposed to be derived from nabah, to prophecy; and Nebo's office was to interpret for the other gods. He was said to be the scribe of Bel; his symbol was a wedge of arrowhead"-exactly what you find across the northern part of Nigeria as their logo even in their gates and seating rooms as well as businesses. The whole picture here is that of conquest. Nebuchadnezzars of Babylon, The Persians and all the Assyrian leaders followed this god until it was taken over by the Arabians in the 9th century.



In Isaiah 46 vs 2 "But they all bowed down and fell to the ground. This was about 700 BC remember also that prophet Mohammed was said to have acquired many women among whom was one who happens to be a catholic who also brought with her all the paraphernalia of catholic worship to him and his religion including the chaplet which also forms an integral part of the islamic prayer. Notice most of the muslim are always going thru their chaplet while moving their lips without any audible. It is all part of the deal of mix & match-meditation. If this Allah or Mohammed is the real deal, how come they can't stand up on their own and defend themselves instead of the weak and feeble followers dying for them? Why is it always the almajiris and all those imported from neighboring countries such as Chad, Niger Republic, Mali etc that always end up turning up dead in the fight for the almighty religion instead of the 'ranka dade' or the alhajis and alhajas? Why are the poor beggars, the imports and illiterates (those I call the expendables) used to spend state security votes? Why do they want to take over Jos? It is the gateway they must cross in their continuation of the march to the South to deep the Koran in the Niger, but this march will get more bloody as they retreat in confusion.      


The islamization of Nigeria as promised by the late sarduana of Sokoto especially the much islamic desire to deep the koran in the Niger, can only mean the end of Nigeria since none of the people of the South will ever allow itself to be islamized. That is what they are trying to do in Jos that is causing a lot of bloodshed over there. They have tried to kill Igbo people in almost all the northern states to force them to convert and since this have failed woefully, they now want us to deal with the burden of enduring a national islamization spear headed by the federal government headed by a confused man who do not know what to do with the country. Muslims leading or running the affairs of Nigeria is like asking a vehicle driver to pilot an aircraft. The end result is terrible accident waiting to happen. One friend of mine after going through the blood shed in Iraq between the Sunnis and the Shiites vowed never to be identified with such a religion as long as he lives. Is this the religion that the Sultan of Sokoto was talking about or something else?



Yusuf N'danusa


[email protected]

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