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“Massive” protest awaits Obasanjo’s planned March 18 speech in London

March 5, 2009

“Massive” protest awaits Obasanjo’s planned March 18 speech in London; Group says he lacks moral authority to speak as statesman. Two-time Nigerian leader, General Olusegun Obasanjo who is scheduled to speak in London on Wed March 18 2009 at 6:00 PM, will face an unprecedented demonstration by Nigerians resident in London and neighboring cities if threats by the Nigeria Liberty Forum in London materialize.

The planned protest against Obasanjo is to stop him from addressing a British audience as a statesman, a pedestal the Nigerian group insists he never earned.

Image removed. The convener of the Liberty Forum, Kayode Ogundamisi, has requested England-based Nigerians, and Nigerians either traveling through London or living elsewhere but are willing to participate in the protest, to send text messages to 07951402986 or to signify their availability on that day to him by e-mail at: [email protected].

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The group said it is organizing the massive protest to bring attention to Obasanjo’s atrocities in invading Odi in Bayelsa State and Zaki Biam in Benue State during his rule as a supposedly-elected leader.  In those events, hundreds of unarmed civilians were killed by rampaging soldiers.

The group said, “We cannot let Obasanjo get away with the lies he intends to sell to the British people.  This is the man who gave Nigeria the worst election in world history; he cannot be allowed to whitewash his sins in the United Kingdom while Al Bashir of Sudan is wanted for genocide.”

The group further stated that Obasanjo’s documented acts of corruption and thievery disqualify him from standing up as a respectable voice in the international community. 

It would be recalled that last October, a Nigerian group in Canada successfully prevented the Nigerian ambassador from making an independence day outing.  In view of the situation in the country, it pledged to carry out similar demonstrations against Nigerian leaders in the future, and to encourage other Nigerians abroad to undertake similar activities.   

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