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Re-"Property scandal rocks Nigerian embassy in Washington DC."

March 10, 2009
My attention has been drawn to one of your recent internet write-ups entitled "Property scandal rocks Nigerian embassy in Washington DC." In this piece you stated as follows " the son of a Nigerian Supreme Court justice handling Yar’adua’s election petition, Emmanuel Ogebe, was also paid some fees by the Nigerian government."

My name is Emmanuel Ogebe and in my entire life I have received no money from the Nigerian government. If however you count the allowance given to me by the National Youth Service Corp during my service to my homeland as money from the "Nigerian government" then I received 350 naira ($2) a month for subsistence. It was later increased to 700 ($4) a month.

I therefore request that you retract the said false publication alleging that I received any monies fortwith as it is a blatant untruth which I am sure you yourself know is the case because you have no basis for such a claim. Kindly ensure also that your retraction is visibly displayed along with my letter in the various media where you have transmitted this falsehood.

Please know that in the scheme of things you are not a target of mine so if you publish the retraction I have no interest in pursuing this further at this time as I have other compelling priorities to attend to.

In anticipation of your prompt attention,

E. Ogebe

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