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Re-Rejoinder to Emmanuel Ogebe's Laundromat

March 15, 2009

Mr Emmanuel Ogebe I can understand your rants given the Herculean task of been asked to deny your father and at the same time put your new and cheap source of survival on the line:1.Because no one is going to give in to that and 2.Because it is said that every issue has three sides; your side, the other person´s and we the readers side deduced from your write ups put together.We do not give a hoot on the educational caliber of who writes as he, like you, is free to make observations.

Mr Emmanuel Ogebe I can understand your rants given the Herculean task of been asked to deny your father and at the same time put your new and cheap source of survival on the line:

1.Because no one is going to give in to that and
 2.Because it is said that every issue has three sides; your side, the other person´s and we the readers side deduced from your write ups put together.We do not give a hoot on the educational caliber of who writes as he, like you, is free to make observations.

It is curious that you failed to address the issues raised and rather went into tantrums in casting aspersion at your presumed sparring partner:and neither are we enamored by your Vulgate pontifications as that is not only personal but also has no consequence on our lives as against the ellevation of your father in obvious askance circumstances which directly belabors the tax payers pool as well as insulting our collective sensibilities.

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