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Re- What does the Pope know about condoms

March 20, 2009
Sir: Your article reek of ignorance except it is meant to serve a comic relief or i was reading you too seriously because I thought you were wondering how well informed the pope is on sexual issues with emphasis on HIV and AIDS.
I still think your piece is a satire or something as i can not imagine anyone bearing so an inhibited and petty understanding of the workings of the papacy even when not a catholic by faith.And if your concern is how his idea fits into contemporary times epitomised by decadence and perversion in the western world where same sex marriage is already a fate accompli and single parenting a norm rather than an exception then you can very well said to be flowing with the times indeed.

But be rest assured the pope knows that till date there is no scientific proof of what really courses AIDS; neither is there any proof that all HIV infected persons would eventually get AIDS even when not on medicines:furthermore be informed that not all persons living with AIDS had had HIV;implying that the science world is inconclusive not only in its research on AIDS and HIV but also by extension in the information as well as postulations they put forward.

Now this is not to say condoms are totally ineffective but it is by no means anything near a panacea and the reason been that since HIV or AIDS cant be said with all certainty to be purely sexually transmitted resorting to condom use, though a safety measure,might give a false sense of insurance and in the long run wittingly or otherwise make man more promiscuous. It may interest you to know that test for HIV or AIDS vary from continent to continent i.e. you would naturally have more AIDS positve people in AFRICA given the integrated standards therein,while if you test positive in Africa today,and you fly to say Australia or Europe tomorrow you could be negative.In the beginning it was bandied around that AIDS is as a result of black Africans sexual intercourse with monkeys that ignited AIDS,now it has turn to AFRICAN´s consumption of bush meat and probably monkeys that brought the decease.

It is curious no one is talking at least in the science community about the sexual delicacies and behaviours of the west that may help a better understanding of the decease rather we are been systematically andgradually inducted into seeing this disgusting sexual behaviour as an alternative way of life.I would want rape and incest pregnancies allowed abortion but i dont subscribe to the Pope´s seal on it.

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