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Osun Gubernatorial Election Appeals Tribunal Orders Retrial of Petition.

March 29, 2009

Image removed.The gubernatorial elections appeals tribunal in the matter of Osun State has ordered the retrial of the petition by AC candidate Rauf Aregbesola by a lower tribunal. A new tribunal would be constituted to conduct a fresh trial.

Appeal partially granted because the highly tainted tribunal refused to admit some crucial evidence. Appeal panel was headed by Justice Victor Omage who will be retiring in June 2009.

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The appeals tribunal also condemned the lower tribunal for rejecting forensic expert analysis presented by the opposition candidate.

In a bizarre press release earlier today, the Chief Press secretary to Governor Olagunsoye Oyinlola sent out an advisory titled "Forensic Nonsense", where he praised the judiciary for consigning the complaints of the opposition to oblivion, but he later withdrew the release after the full judgment was released. An opposition politician told Saharareporters that this goes to show that there were some pre-judgment arrangement between the Oyinloal camp and the judges that the judgment would go entirely his way.

The OSun state tribunal ruling today did a lot to shield the judges in the lower tribunal who were caught exchanging text messages and phone calls with Oyinlola's lawyer, Kalejaiye.

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