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Threat to Bola Tinubu’s Life is Real

March 29, 2009

If anybody is still in doubt whether there is a real threat to Asiwaju Bola Ahmed Tinubu’s Life, We suggest that the person should remove the kid gloves now, change his thinking and believe that nobody is flying a kite. With all the emphasis in our command, and with all the energy at our disposal, we want to alert Nigerians and the World that the threat to get Asiwaju out of the way to pay way for votes robbers, leeches and reprobates, is real. We are raising this alarm so that the Nation the Law Enforcement Agencies will pay attention. We crying out from the mountain top so that security personnel’s will be proactive and not reactive. We are doing what we are doing to prevent what happened to Chief M.K.O Abiola and Chief Bola Ige of the blessed memory.

 Before the killers brought these two illustrious sons of Nigeria down, there were warning signals of the dangers ahead but nobody took them very serious. They would have thought that we have sufficiently gone beyond political assassinations to settle political scores. They had thought that Nigeria has considerable number of decent men and women who would not have allowed such a heinous crime to happen. But it happened. They worked tiressly for the good of Nigeria and when the need was greatest to reward them Nigeria looked the other way.

 Now, let me take you back to history. Cast your mind back to the years of the locusts and balance the balances. If Chief MKO Abiola was not killed, it would have been extremely difficult if not impossible to sustain the annulment of June 12 1993 Presidential elections. If Chief Bola Ige was not killed in December 2001, it would have been impossible for the criminals in PDP to steal any vote in the South West Nigeria. Chief Bola Ige had given notice to President Obasanjo that he will resign as the Attorney General of the Federation in order to go home to campaign for his party, but the nest of killers had other plans. The rest is now history.

2011 is around the corner and these Laggards are it again. Lacking in integrity and honour, deficit in creativity and the power of critical thinking, intellectually weak to bow to the power of superior argument, mentally retarded to engage their opponents one on one, man to man, face to face, they resort to violence to settle scores.

Ask the disgraced governors of Edo and Ondo States they will tell you that Tinubu was the one that removed them and not Governors Oshimnole and Mimiko. Ask Engr. Segun Oni of Ekiti State he will tell you that Dr. Fayemi is no match if not the Asiwaju of Lagos. Ask Governor Oyinlola of Osun State who has been given him sleepless nights since the electoral travesty of 2007, he will point to the last man standing, Bola Ahmed Tinubu and not Engr Rauf Aregbesola. Ask Governors Akala and Gbenga Daniel of Oyo and Ogun States, they will tell you that the fear of Asiwaju Bola Ahmed Tinubu is the beginning of wisdom and not Ladoja, Ajimobi or Amosun and Soyinka.

In Lagos the opposition tells you that Tinubu decides who must be anything in his house. Even beyond the South West, Tinubu’s image looms large and command huge respect and admiration, as well as opprobrium from those who do not like his politics.

The People’s Democratic Party, PDP sees Chief Tinubu as the greatest obstacle between them and 2011.

When Asiwaju Bola Ahmed Tinubu says every vote must count, it sends jitters to PDP Shenanigans who believe in grabbing power without responsibility. When Asiwaju insists that polling booths are where the winners will be decided and not in the Tribunals and Appeal Courts, the contractors and supporters of any governments lose sleep. When Asiwaju says candidates must tell us their backgrounds and their antecedents before seeking any office, the charlatans and imbeciles go green. When Asiwaju says a million Obasanjos cannot conquer and loot Lagos, the rapacious greedy lots calls for his head.

You can see how Bola Ahmed Tinubu has successfully become a cog in the wheel of their progress. You can now see how he has through dint of hardwork and commitment to rule of law become the scourge of votes’ robbers. You can see how riggers now live in morbid fear of the last of the titans.

We repeat once again that we are raising this very important issue again so that our security agencies will be proactive and not reactive. We are placing this issue again to the public domain once again so that Nigerians will contribute to the movement to save Asiwaju precious life. We are shouting from the roof top so that the world will hear us and pay attention. We are doing what we are doing so that the nest of killers of anything that is good in Nigeria will search their conscience. We know also that a silent revolution is going on in Nigeria today and more especially in the South West and we know that those who seek wealth without work will stop at nothing to put it to a halt.

If the nest of killers is having a field day in Nigeria through killing, maiming and outright murder, it is because we caused it. We are nothing in this world if we are not a slave to a cause – a cause for justice and freedom for our people

 Let us therefore insist in one voice, in unison, in one accord, in amity, in concord that Asiwaju must live. Yes, Asiwaju must live.

Joe Igbokwe

Lagos AC Public Secretary

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