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Ekiti Guber Polls: Oyinlola Promises Guns, Army Uniform To PDP Chiefs-PM News

April 5, 2009

The re-run polls ordered in Ekiti governorship race between Action Congress candidate, Kayode Fayemi and Olusegun Oni, candidate of the Peoples Democratic Party,  is gradually turning into a do-or-die affair, with increasing threats to militarise an otherwise democratic exercise.

As if the weekend threats by top chiefs of the Peoples Democratic Party to draft soldiers into the state was not enough, recent wire-tappings of the Osun state governor, Prince Olagunsoye Oyinlola, have revealed even more bewildering plans. Information available to P.M.NEWS showed that the governor of Osun state plans to flood Ekiti, on 25 April, with guns and ammunition and also fake army uniforms. He disclosed his plan to the chairmen of the 16 local governments in Ekiti state.

Sources told P.M.NEWS this morning that Prince Oyinlola, at a secret meeting which held at the press gallery inside Jibowu Hall of the Government House, at 8p.m., on Friday, 3 April, 2009, promised to supply army uniforms, arms and ammunition which the PDP chiefs would give to their thugs. The thugs in army uniform would then prevent AC supporters from coming out to vote while only PDP voters would come out.

Prince Oyinlola told the 16 local government chairmen that they should not  mess up and they must make sure PDP rules Ekiti state whether the people like it or not. He said although he was aware that AC may have its own plans, PDP’s plans must surpass theirs. It was also  gathered that  at other meetings, within the same Government House, Oyo state governor, Adebayo Alao-Akala and Speaker of the House of Representatives, Dimeji Bankole, mapped out separate plans on how to ensure PDP wins at all costs. Below is the partial text of Prince Oyinlola’s briefing as recorded:

“We called up this meeting purposely to speak with you and this meeting is centered upon(sic) me to tell you people that, I, the governor of Osun state, Olagunsoye Oyinlola, is(sic) ready to supply all the 16 local government chairmen and particularly the affected 10 local government chairmen where re-run election will be conducted, army uniforms, arms and ammunition.

“You people will give these to your supporters who will camouflage as army in the respective polling centres so that they will intimidate the voters by allowing them not to come out to vote. The only people that will come out should be PDP so that the victory of Segun Oni would be able to be ascertained(sic). “I hope you people are with me? Please we need no fuck up, and you should mobilize your people, you should release money to them, let them be able to come out and participate as strictly in our plan so that this plan will now be sorted out and there is no way they can…, I know they have their own plans too but our plan must surpass their own plan. I hope I am communicating with you? Please we don’t want any fuck up, we must rule, we must claim Ekiti back; PDP must rule this state whether they like it or not, they must rule.”

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