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Where is your conscience Mrs Adebayo?

May 5, 2009

Mrs Adebayo proclaimed that her conscience and faith as a Christian will not allow her to proclaim what is wrong.  Why did she have to mention her conscience and Christianity only for her to allow herself to be used for thwarting justice?

It was prophesied that the son of man will be betrayed but woe unto Judas that betrayed HIM.  Mrs Adebayo should know that no matter the pressure or inducement on her, history will have it that she wasted a wonderful opportunity to contribute her giant quota towards the growth of Nigeria.

I watched where the Ekiti people were singing the national anthem on NTA (before NTA discontinued the live broadcast) and I would not believe that after hearing about the labour of our heroes past shall never be in vain, that she will go ahead to go against her conscience and proclaim a result that every sane person following the Ekiti rerun election know its false.

When she goes to bed tonight, I hope that she searches her conscience and Christian faith that she was the first to announce to the world about and tell Nigerians tomorrow that the she knows that she is right. I hope that her kids that seem to follow the path of truth will ‘scold’ mama for wasting such a wonderful opportunity to write their family name in list of heroes past and present that make Nigeria a great Nation that God has created us to be.

I almost wept when you declared Segun Oni the winner mama Adebayo but my own conscience and Christian faith will let me to continue to pray for Nigeria and always stand for the truth because only the truth shall set us free. So help me God.

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