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Ekiti Saga and the imperative of power

May 6, 2009

So we all witnessed the blatant theft of the collective will of the good people of Ekiti in the charade that ended yesterday. We all witnessed the impunity with which the PDP conducted itself and the looming disaster that our democracy face. That is if we had any to begin with. The question then becomes  WHY DID WE FAIL IN SPITE OF THE VERY GALLANT EFFORTS PUT UP BY OUR PEOPLE. There is a simple answer to that. WE DID NOT HAVE POWER.  It may sound very immoral, but I guess by now we will all admit that POWER IS EVERYTHING IN THIS WORLD.

Without power, a human being is as good as impotent, castrated in public and left to die a slow  agonizing and very public death. Without state power, the scam the criminal elements in PDP  pulled off would not have been possible, they would not have been  able to brazenly steal the elections in Ekiti state.  Therefore, the inability of the opposition in Nigeria to recognize the imperative of power is akin to what Niccolo Machiavelli likened to a disease. In his book THE PRINCE, (1513)Machiavelli  described non recognition of the imperative of power as..."that at the beginning, a disease is easy to cure, but difficult to diagnose; but at the as time passes, not having been  treated or recognized at the outset, it becomes easy to diagnose but difficult to cure. The same thing occurs in the affairs of state; for by recognizing from afar the diseases that are spreading in the state, they can be cured quickly, but when they are left to grow ...there is no  longer cure".  Ekiti is a clear example.

The opposition did not recognize the imperative of power and so lost to the feudalist government of the First republic. We did not recognize the imperative of power and we lost millions to the civil war in Nigeria. Some held the reigns of power and chose to commit genocide against the IBOs.  General Abacha had power over international economy through the use of  oil weapon and so he murdered Ken Saro Wiwa and his friends and we all went home and licked our wounds. We ran with our tails between our legs until our boys recognized the imperative of power and have chosen to manipulate the oil market through MEND. When recognized the imperative of power, the oil corporations and the rest of the world looked caught the cold every time MEND sneezed.

We did not recognize the essence of political power and Awolowo was jailed on trumped up charges. When the West showed a flash of its desire to wrest power from the political hound dogs, Nigeria boiled over.  Of course the rest is history. Because the feudal elements in Nigeria, from the North to the South, from the East to the West recognize the imperative of power, they elevated the acquisition of political power to an art form. You know  what they say, IF YOU EAT MY BREAD, YOU WILL SING MY SONG. That is the imperative of political power.

Please forget ECONOMIC POWER. That is the point at which we all get it wrong in the opposition camp. Economic power without political power is NOTHING. Remember MKO Abiola? he was a friend to the creme de la creme in Nigeria. He had enough financial power to acquire all his heart desired EXCEPT POLITICAL POWER. His so called friends in the military, from the East to the West, from the North  to the South, those who know the imperative of power WILL NOT ALLOW HIM TO HAVE IT. HE WOULD POSE A DANGER TO THEIR BESTIAL INTEREST. So, with all his money he was rubbished. He was locked up for the last four years of his life. He was ruined.  His life was snuffed out like a he was an irritating house fly. Nothing came out of it. His traducers, those who murdered him are still walking free. it is because they understand the IMPERATIVE OF POWER.

The British recognized the imperative of power, they knew the South was too focused to be manipulated if allowed to have political power, so when they supposedly granted independence to Nigeria, they gave POWER TO THE NORTH. THEY MANIPULATED THE CENSUS FIGURES TO FAVOUR THE NORTH, THEY GAVE THE LEVERS OF GOVERNMENT TO THESE PEOPLE. Please make no mistakes, I do not and will never subscribe to blaming the North for the woes of the South. Southerners are as bad,  if not worse parasites than these people. Because our own people have power, a former pauper who suddenly finds himself in power becomes a billionaire over night, ex convicts, certificate forgers all teamed up to grab power and we are worse off for it.

The opposition celebrated Mrs  Ayoka Adebayo as soon as she supposedly resigned her appointment. She was declared a heroine. None of them recognized the drama and power play that was playing out right in front of them. How could we have missed it? Guess what was happening, the woman was in a drama mode as I said in my write up on the ghost of June 12. She was grand standing. She was sending a dangerous signal that she was for sale to the highest bidder. What else could have happened to her supposed Christian ethics within 48 hours. Did she resign and un resign? And how about the silly statement about being in the INEC family.  And how about the one  from  the Presidency on allowing the will of Ekiti people to prevail. I cannot begin to express my amusement at the gullibility of the opposition leadership. Did this president not con Atiku with the same platitude during the same Admawa rerun ? how about the drama in Kogi state? we forget too soon. It was the same gullibility that led Atiku to committing political harakiri.  We do not recognize double speak, we do not want to admit that the enemy who holds power in Nigeria is immoral. He does not sleep. He is permanently scheming on how to retain power by all means. When are we ever going to learn. Please let us seek power first and all things shall be added unto it.  Power allows a man to double speak and bamboozle the opposition. Power makes an idiot powerful Power can make a patently idiotic person to become the leader of the whole world. power and lack of it is fatal.

We forget like Machiavelli said, that there is " nothing more difficult to take in hand or more uncertain in its success... because the innovator has for enemies all those who have done well under the old conditions....."  The people, like Olusegun Oni and the PDP in the South will do everything humanly possible to retain power. INDEED POWER IS EVERYTHING. As immoral as it sounds, it is the unfortunate truth. At the simplest level. it is because we do not have power that we seek employment from others and we tolerate supervisors who are actually jerks. He /she has the power to fire or hire. Look at President Obama. it is not that he has looted the treasury of his country. When Bill Clinton became the President of the United States, he had no house to his name. These two wonderful people were and are however, referred to as the MOST POWERFUL MEN IN THE WORLD. They have one thing in common. IT IS POWER. PLAIN AND SIMPLE. Money can never ever  buy that type of power. Oni connived with others to steal the election in Ekiti because of fear of transferring power to Fayemi. He understands the dynamics of the imperative  of power. He knows the consequences of losing power. He knows that the "LION CANNOT PROTECT HIMSELF FROM TRAPS, AND THE FOX CANNOT DEFEND HIMSELF FROM WOLVES. ONE MUST THEREFORE BE A FOX TO RECOGNIZE TRAPS, AND A LION TO FRIGHTEN WOLVES"  Look at the Lagos boy, our own governor emeritus, Bola Tinubu, he recognized the imperative of power and he did not fall into the trap of the old fox, Olusegun Obasanjo. He, Obasanjo must be wondering how Bola Tinubu was able to smell his mischief. Anyway, as well all know, that mistake of not recognizing the IMPERATIVE OF POWER  COST US DEARLY AND THE CONSEQUENCES REVERBERATED IN EKITI AGAIN ON MAY 5TH INSTANT.

However, it is not too late to correct our ways. We can still wrest power from these grim reapers.. We can still chase away the infidels. In Ekiti, Oni must be shown that " however strong your armies may be, you will always need the favour of the inhabitants to take possession of a province" ( Miccolo Machiavelli) The Prince. 1537. All the armies in the world cannot save Oni and his co travelers.  We should bear in mind that the : first principle of non violent action is that of non compliance with everything humiliating" Cesar chavez.  Ones country must be defended wether with glory or with shame, it must be defended anyhow" Niccolo Machiavelli. The Discourse. 1517.

In Ekiti, we want to reorder our priorities. We want to stop making premature statement praising the traps set for us by the POWERS that be. We celebrated  Mrs Adebayo prematurely while she had a smug on her face which read THE OPPOSITION ARE A BUNCH OF LOSERS. We do not commend the invasion of Ektii by armed men as good security measures  when it was meant to intimidate our supporters into voting with their feet. They skipped town in fear. How do we then go back and cry wolf when the ship has passed in the night. No wonder that terrible woman had the temerity to ask us to go to court. Going to court is an exercise in delusion . We ought to remember they control the courts too. Look at how long it took any tribunal case to be concluded. A minimum of 2 years and even then, the use power to steal our collective will. The president of the court of Appeal is pretending not to remember to constitute another Tribual to hear Aregbesola's case. these are terribly compromised courts  and we will not get anything out of it.
Lastly, let the PDP and its sympathizers know that all the lessons of history is in 4 sentences:

BUT THEY GRIND EXCEEDINGLY SMALL                                                                                   Charles A.  Beard.


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