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Between Segun Adeniyi & Dora Akunyili?

May 7, 2009

Sir: Reading through Yusuph Olaniyonu's article on the Ekiti debacle in today's ThisDay Newspaper, I could not but agreem more with him that he got it right, once again! The article was succint and hit the bullseye.

I thank God for giving our Nation people like him.

However, the problem I have is: Is this not the same way we were celebrating Segun Adeniyi just a few years ago, as probably one of the most forthright journalists in Nigeria. Today, he lies from both sides of the mouth. To make matters worse, he completely lost it and probably lost every iota of respect he ever garnered when he recently attacked the NBA and its President (that body which has been consistently on the side of the masses in the last few years).

What of Dora Akunyili? I would not know any Nigerian woman that was as respected as her, based on her gargantuan achievements at NAFDAC. Even Mrs. Okonjo Iweala, who is equally adored by most Nigerians, was not held in high esteem as Dora was.

What has happened today? Prof Dora Akunyili has lies coming forth from every pore in her body. Go out there today and do a vox pop and it would suprise you how low Madam Akunyili has come. I hear people's comments about her now and I feel very ashamed of her.

Imagine her (Mrs Akunyili) a few days ago having the temerity to say "we thank God that the Ekiti REC has finally concluded her assignment based on her christian belief and conscience".

What conscience and who is fooling who? If that is the way consciences and christian faiths pan out, then it is safe to say Madam Dora has lost hers.

My daughter loves watching Dora the Explorer cartoons so much and in recent times, each times she has watched it, I just cannot stop thinking of the evolution and descent of this woman from Dora the Great & Dora the Helper of the Oppressed to 'Dora the Liar'!!!

Yes, she has lies, deceit and complicity written over anytime she has had to address the press recently and I have kept wondering: What is it that turns otherwise responsible and sane people into beasts and vermins overnight once they get into government in Abuja? Are they injected with lethal doses of dog rabies or serpent slime? Or, is it the well-known criminality embedded in the PDP ideology?

I wonder! I really wonder!!

God help us.

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