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Letter from Kano: Shekarau's Kano and Yar'adua's Nigeria

May 7, 2009

Image removed.This is Kano's major road. They call it "Ibo Road", along the road is Kano's major market which is one of the biggest in West Africa. On a typical day transactions her are worth hundreds of millions of Naira. The youth of Kano feed on the dustbin and garbage from the market. They have dreams, they have ideas like their colleagues and agemmates all oevr the world but the leadership of Shekarau would never allow their dreams to come to fruition because that is the omly way people like him can continue to rule them.

So they live omn the garbage. They live a life of begging and drugs. In between, if riots come, they vent their anger on their supposed enemies those who have dared to be different. That is the Kano Sheakaru presides over and that he wants to turn Nigeria into. Notice the cloud of smoke from  bikes, that same "dualised road" takes cars, bikes and pedestrians most of the time.  Only last year, robbers came to the market held the gold dealers to ransome taking away over N200 Million in an operation that lasted over one hour. The police could not help and the 'Hisbah' was nowhere to be found. This is Shekarau's Kano and Yar'adua's Nigeria!

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