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Nigeria Which Way

May 7, 2009
“Ask not what your country can do for you but what you can do for your country” JFK - January 20th 1961 –“ The average American is fanatical about their country and will die protecting and promoting it which could explain why American is a great nation (whether you are anti American or not, it still is a great nation). Now let us explore this fact in a little detail. Citizenship is defined as a covenant or agreement between a citizen and a country where by the former agrees to abide by the laws of the country, protect and promote her as necessary amongst other things. The country on the hand provides protection, where possible a welfare system, good governance, health care, law /order and other relevant amenities and services. America as a nation has always kept its own side of the covenant (arguably to a fault sometimes) and the citizens have reciprocated which is why most Americans are very fanatical in the way they talk about their country and will go to any length to protect it.. I refer to a book written (over twenty five years ago) by the Late Amino Kano - PDP Presidential candidate in the second Nigerian republic, titled “the trouble with Nigeria” in which after a few chapters of analysing the issues we have had since independence, the aftermath of colonialism etc he concluded that the trouble with Nigeria is leadership. I completely agree with the late Amino Kano we have never had true and responsible leadership and that my fellow Nigerians may well be our cross to bear. I am suggesting, in fact I am stating, here and now that it is about time that we take our destiny in our hands and stop blaming our failings as a country on colonialism, tribalism, religion etc . Nigeria is blessed with very intelligent people, mineral resources (to include oil, gas deposits,, cocoa and many others), however we have always lacked charismatic, focused, dedicated and committed leadership which will continue to hinder us as a nation in realising our true potential. I challenge any one to carry out an experiment, pick out ten of the most reputable organisations in the world to work in and I dare say that you will find a significant percentage of Nigerians or (of Nigerian descent) in these organisations and in well established positions of authority taking decisions that affect many lives on a daily basis. I mentioned earlier that citizenship is a covenant between a citizen and a country. We as citizens need to ensure that in whatever little way, we are contributing in promoting and protecting our country. From the trader who goes to china and buys substandard products to sell to his fellow countrymen (especially poisonous healthcare products) to the supplier who is awarded a contract to supply cement in the building of a primary school. We all need to lend a hand in developing our beloved country We as Nigerians need to stand up and say enough is enough, I am somebody and I am a proud Nigerian. In my view the problems with Nigeria are as follows; • Irresponsible Leadership • Large scale bribery & corruption even at the highest quarters of government • Tribalism and nepotism • Lack of moral values • The quest for wealth by whatever means necessary Each of us as individuals have to contribute in ensuring that our nation is a great nation, the true giant of Africa offering leadership to other smaller African nations who look to Nigeria as a country for guidance From ensuring that whatever service you provide, the job that you do, you execute it in such a way that you are contributing in your own little way in creating a better Nigerian society both for the present and next generation. Carry out our work diligently; strive for the best in any service we provide, emphasis should be on quality and deliverables. In Martin Luther King’s words, I have a dream that one day, we will vote in, a charismatic, focussed, intelligent and wise leadership. I have a dream that one day this great thing that happened in America that brought Obama to power will happen in Nigeria. And on that fateful day, together with our renewed attitude to strive for the best for our country, we will create an even greater nation. Next week I will put my thoughts to pen again, this time on South Africa and their recent elections. Remain blessed and have a good day. Source: Kojak – United Kingdom - first written 04/05/09 on

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