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Police Extortion in Lagos - Hope IG gets to reading this!

May 7, 2009

I graduated from school in 2006 and I have been without job since then. I decided to go out to pay for my starcomms browsing monthly fees and as I came out of starcomms office, a commercial vehicle forcefully stopped beside me and in a manner best described as a quick kidnap, I was forcefully dragged into the bus while screaming because I did not know who they were until I noticed a policeman pointing a gun at me from the bus. After entering the bus, they carried me and two others looking for people walking on the road randomly.

They picked 2 other people for no reason and carried us to ikotun police station beside Alimosho local government area. They thoroughly searched me and confisticated my phone discovering six thousand naira in my pocket. They then forced me to pull of my shirt which I refused while others complied, told me to write a statement and told me what to write. i began writing the statement only to discover that they wanted me to confess to be a fraudster which I am not and I refused to write the statement anymore. They said they were going to lock me up or shoot me for proving stubborn. Eventually they collected 5500naira from the 6000naira I had and sent me out.

This is the most embarrassing and horrible day of my life. I really don't know what to do but I want to see the men of Ikotun police station pay because it was done in connivance with senior officers of the police station. If the guilty walk free while the innocent are harrassed I wonder what this country will be. Something should be done about this because I won't be surprised this is a daily occurrence and it tarnishes further the ugly image the police have.

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