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Court Restrains NBC From Shutting Adaba FM-PM News, Lagos

May 11, 2009

A Federal High Court sitting in Akure, presided over by Justice Okeke, has restrained the Nigerian Broadcasting Commission (NBC) from shutting the Akure, Ondo state-based Adaba 88.9 FM radio station.

In its ruling, the court also ordered both the NBC and management of the radio station to appear before it on 25 May, 2009, for explanation and the rationale for the action. P.M.NEWS learnt that the broadcasting regulatory body ordered the closure of the radio station on the allegation that it was inciting the people against the government.

Investigations revealed that the radio station has been at the forefront of promoting democracy, the rule of law and fighting injustice in the country before its sudden closure. The station also played a prominent role in sensitising the people of Ekiti state during the 25 April, re-run governorship election. When shut by NBC, the management of the radio station went to the Federal High Court to contest the closure order.


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