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Adetokunboh Kayode (SAN): Minister or Miscreant?

May 12, 2009

Sir: Whilst reading the text of Adetokunboh Kayode (SAN), the Nigerian Labour Minister's admonition to organised labour to shelve its proposed rally, I was very annoyed and nauseated.
I considered his comments, or should I say outbursts, very offensive and sickening.

These idiots who currently hold the levers of government in Nigeria are so steeped in their wicked ways that they actually think no-one can hold them accountable. They have so lost touch with reality that they easily brand the honest man on the street as a miscreant and urchin anytime he joins in the protest against the evil ways of our rulers whereas, when some sponsored never-do-wells gather to hold solidarity rallies in their favour, they are branded good citizens.
Let somebody tell this God-forsaken Labour Minister that we know his likes - they are enemies of the masses, oppressors and evil-doers. History has taught us that their time will soon come and all the evils they have done to this country will be visited on their heads.
Of course, one remembers that Chiefs Akinloye and Akinjide as well as Umaru Dikko and the entire NPN cliquefelt invincible prior to December 31, 2009 but see where they ended up. Ditto General Abacha who also felt invincible until the mighty Hand of God descended on him on that fateful night/morning.
I used to think Ministers in government were the Ministers of the country and not of a particular political party. The irresponsible utterances, body language and attitude of Adetokunbo Kayode and Prof Akunyili in recent times have had the result of befuddling my thinking on this. It does appear that what we have now are Ministers for the PDP and not of the Nigerian Nation as a whole.
If the NLC-led protests go ahead as planned, there surely would be no miscreants in their midst. Rather, the miscreants will be Prince Adetokunbo Kayode and his gang of bandits holding Nigeria hostage in Abuja.
It is a truism that evil may triumph for a while but righteousness shall surely prevail in the end. I pray that a Rawlings will soon turn up to deliver us (not a military man who will come and rule us again but one who will clean the augean stable of all the recycled criminals and then go back to the barracks). If not, at least we can hope for a a revolution of the masses.
The other option would be to continue to tolerate these criminals in power till 2011.
Two more years under them is just going to be too long and I doubt if the majority of Nigerians can wait that long.

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