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deports of fulanis out of plateau state

May 12, 2009
the news reports that plateau state government has given order to the state police to the state police to deploy all fulani people in wase local government has shown how wicked,self confessed ethic and irresponsible governor jonah jang is,i wonder if this man has ever seeing the 4 wall of a class room because he has given us the clue of how frustrated he was when he was with the nigerian airforce and he has given us the full imformation that all nigerians should be care full next in voting a retired airforce officers and he has also show us how irresponssible,dis respectfull they are because he never respect mr president even for his statement with the media talk more of his actions as a governor.jonah jang should note that he has really potray the worst image retired airfoce officers behave and has shown how wicked and irresponssible they are after retirement anyway,just remember that ninety nine days is for the thief and one day is surely going to be for the owner.

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