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MEND says Niger Delta "war" has escalated

May 14, 2009
  • Image removed.A Nigerian Naval warship deployed from Liberia to assist the military has been captured along with its entire crew of officers and ratings. We are in the process of setting it ablaze.


  • One hostage has been killed by stray bullets from the Nigerian army who attacked an area they were being held in Delta state.


  • Six army gunboats have been sunk and three destroyed. We also captured three intact. Many soldiers have been killed and the military has made a hasty retreat.

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 Journalists wishing to confirm our claim should please contact the undersigned so that a tour can be arranged where they can take pictures and video.
The Nigerian armed forces today launched indiscriminate aerial bombardment on the defenseless civilians in the Gbaramatu area of Delta state to serve as a punishment for the humiliating defeat they suffered when they tried to raid two militant camps on Wednesday, May 13.
Casualties are mostly women, children and the elderly who could not get away quickly into the bush or high sea.
Considering that the target of the government happens to be the same state supposed to champion its false peace and amnesty drive, our skepticism has proven to be correct.

  • The Movement for the Emancipation of the Niger Delta (MEND) is declaring an all out war in the region and call upon all men of fighting age to enlist for our freedom.

We reiterate once again our directive to ALL oil companies to evacuate by the deadline of midnight today and cease oil production until further notice. This will be the last time such a warning will be released.
Jomo Gbomo

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