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On Obama's Visit to Ghana

May 15, 2009

It has been announced that Pres Obama will be visiting Ghana on the 10th and 11th of July.

It's really great that Pres Obama will be setting foot on the African continent within the first six months of his Presidency.

Ghana as a choice is symbolic in that Ghana was the first independent African country and was also at the center of the Black Emancipation Movement.

Pres Obama thinks things through before making any decisions and the planned visit to Ghana is one of them.

The above mentioned reasons were enough for Pres Obama to have chosen Ghana but the greatest reason to have favored Ghana was not mention and need not be mentioned.

As things stands now in Africa, Ghana is a shining example and a beacon of hope to  black people all over the world.

The whole continent is afflicted with decrepit infrastructure, corruption, ethnic rivalry, and the likes but the most dangerous of them all is electoral fraud. From Pres Obama's native Kenya to Zimbabwe, Nigeria to south Africa, none has been spared the scourge of electoral manipulations.

But Ghana was chosen solely because of the maturity of its democracy as signposted by its superior electoral processes.

It is an indictment of other African countries were elections are a do or die affair.

With the announcement of the visit, other African countries has been put on notice to put their houses in other and borrow a leaf from Ghana in other to be taking serious by the USA

Luke Okafoakpu
Seidelbastweg 28
89520 Heidenheim

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