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Our Redeemer Will Soon Come

May 15, 2009

They said it is no more fashionable
No one wants it any more
The west would hear none of it
The whole world detest it
I laugh and shook my head in wonder
How can my people be so dumb?
How could they be so fickle minded?

When a nonentity
Who barely can read the writings on a bread wrapper
When a fool who told his teacher to go to hell
Earns =N=300,000 a month
And collect mouth watering allowances to boot
Dictates and call the shots
Determines our future
And dare us make a noise
Then our redeemer lurks around the corner

When a political party bereft of ideology
Swear to rule us till eternity
When law breakers turn lawmakers
Say our collective wish amount to nothing
When the Maurice of this world
Say we waste our time
Voting a party of our choice
When thugs euphemistically called senators
And governors not fit to rule their household
Say Ekiti people are fools to express their preference
Then we unwittingly hasten our redeemer to come.

Heh! You kinky senators
Heh! You Randy governors
Remember Jerry Rawlings
What he did to those thieving politicians
Those kleptomaniacs
That stole and looted their treasury
Without shame and remorse
They stashes their collective heritage     
And mortgage their future
For pot of porridge onboard and abroad
Remember, remember, remember
Take heed now and listen well
The shadow man lurks around the corner

I slept yesterday and dreamt
Though I am neither a prophet nor a seer
I look into the future trembled in fear
A Jerry Rawlings lurks around the corner
I saw disaster awaiting treasury looters
If only our bald-headed fools can listen
If only they can take a moment to consider
Though we voted them not into power
Though we want them not for our leaders
I wish them not the kind of evil I foresee
The terrible fate I see in my vision
I wish not even for my enemy

When the son of the poor is hungry
And his stomach rumbles and tumbles in the night
Then the son of a rich man must sleep with open eyes
When a graduate rides okada for a living
And a professor begs his students for fuel money
When factory remains under lock and key
Because NEPA is on permanent holiday
When oil our main source of income
Becomes a scarce commodity in our land
When girls of marriage age
Peddles their wares openly
‘Cause marriageable men had no money
When evil men becomes our rulers
When men of no consequence collect =N=100 million per quarter
And lords it over all of us
Then our redeemer is around the corner
To save us the agony of dying before our time.

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