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Killings in the Niger Delta by the Government

May 18, 2009

Image removed.Hello SaharaReporters: I am one of the multitude of people who read news from your website, as well as follow Nigerian news very closely. I am Nigerian and I don't write this from the position of someone who looks at issues in Nigeria through the lens of tribal sentiments. However, I am not from the Niger Delta and I am just Nigerian.

 Now, that being said, I am more than saddened, distraught and frustrated with the killings of Nigerians in Nigeria by their own supposed government for oil. How much more blood of pregnant women, babies, young, old, sick and people who are only looking for a fair treatment of themselves in what calls itself Nigeria does Nigeria need? The spilled blood of humans, unjustly shed and polluting the ground curses the entire country! I believe there is NO justification to kill human beings in the most brutal manner when the useless and inept government of Yaradua has done NOTHING to improve the lives of Nigerians everywhere in Nigeria and now, it thinks the Niger Delta and Nigerians still owe it something? This is a government that is not responsive or responsible to the people and yet, all the officials draw a salary from petro-dollars and natural resources it essentially has no facility to add any values to but rather exports them and collects peanuts from foreigners who do the real work! This is a bloated government that produces nothing in tangible form and to administer properly the abundant resources of the country is still impossible for them? Worse, the people who natively own the resources are not only denied the just benefit but cannot ask for their benefit and cannot complain about it? What injustice! I doubt that I can analyze Nigeria better than you and your writers but how frustrating and helpless to ever know this country called Nigeria!
In the wake of the latest killings by the government through the deployment of extreme force, it is clear Nigerians' suffering is far from over. I will  not pretend that I have the answers which really are already obvious if we, as a nation, can work towards them. However, it is time for the fighters to step-up their strategy and think different before the wicked government and a military, whose personnel are much as impoverished and certain to get clamped into life imprisonment for dissent, wipes them off. If I had a way to email any of the MEND fighters, I would directly but I don't have such information. It is time to deploy their offensive right in Abuja using Improvised Explosive Devices (IEDs) and remote bombs to cripple all the bentleys, mercedes, bmw, limousines, aircraft, yatch, expensive and opulent houses these bastards have amassed with the blood of humans, wickedness and diabolical means. All these billions are wasted while the average Nigerian lives so miserably on a dollar per day, just to get something to eat? This government will not dialogue and even if it did, it lacks any sincerity and it takes two to have a dialogue. It is time to hijack at least one of the fighter planes and turn it on Aso Rock, Senate Building and all the thieves in government, give them a taste of their own medicine and blow them to HELL, where they belong. I wish MEND will read or think about these ideas now rather than play sitting duck with the wicked government. A government that has not gone after the billions of dollars wasted on Halliburton/KBR, PHCN/power, Siemens, all oil money from the Niger Delta and now wastes billions to kill the same people! It is time to take this country back before we turn out to be the eternal joke of humanity and worse than Dafur, Somalia, Iraq!
Paul Ade,


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