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Akunyili versus Ndukwe

May 19, 2009

Sir:It was shocking to observe that it was the Minister of Information and Communication that personally wrote the petition to the EFCC on Ndukwe’s NCC. It looks very absurd understanding why. NCC is extra-ministerial establishment under of the Ministry of Information and Communications, therefore it is believed that a query should have sorted out the matter or at worst she reports to her boss, the President. Looking at the matter again it has portrayed the Minister and someone who may not be grounded on administrative procedures.

You can only report to EFCC where you discovered a fraud. This is probably a case of disobedience of subordinate to an order given by the boss; purely an administrative issue. Many have continued to ask why Prof Akunyili could display ignorance such a way.

 On the path of NCC Directors, if there was an order from their Minister that certain procedure should be followed, they are duty bound to respect such order; but it looks like from what one has read in the media, the Minister may be the one on the wrong side. The NCC had explained that the meeting they called was not to counter any order the Minister gave. They believe that they followed the due process in the exercise of their duties as far as the licensing was concerned.

The Honourable Minister should please play it cool bearing in mind that the re-branding of Nigeria she touted remains colossal failure in words and deeds. She should not be adding to confusion by behaving the way she has done with the NCC.

Obidigbo Mgbachi,

Market Road,

Ekwulobia, Anambra State

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