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Of Joshua Ocheja and Saharareporters

May 24, 2009

There is one Joshua Ocheja who wants to ride on the back of the popularity of saharareporters (SR) to fame. Many Nigerians including government officials read SR regularly. We know SR by what they write but we don’t know Ocheja. He does not sound good enough to be a government spokesperson but has rudely launched himself into our psyche as a counter-revolutionary. His first write up was very well ignored as coming from someone who does not seem to know what he wants. He has told us about his failed attempt to become a member of SR due to the wild requirements. I do not know who and who make up SR and I do not necessarily agree with their opinions but the truth is that they keep us glued to the screen with incredible revelation of corrupt acts in Nigeria government most of which later turn out to be true. People like me have often wondered the source of these weird stories but SR has gained its credibility in that its allegations are often confirmed and this is why every one of its articles is read with jitters in government circles.
I felt I should let Ocheja know that he is not representing anyone’s view with his shallow attacks on SR. Below are excerpt of Ocheja and what I have to say.

This is the second time Joshua Ocheja will be commenting on the activities of Sahara reporters and its news coverage of Nigeria. I was so irritated to say the least when I saw a mockery of Mr. President displayed boldly titled “midterm report”.
By now, lovers of SR love it because of their consistent and unique way of news reporting. SR has left no one in doubt about their type of journalism. It is investigative, expository and constructively critical. Ocheja seems frustrated because he will not read about the itineraries, flight schedules and praise singing of Nigerian leaders in SR. I think he likes the site for the accuracy of its ground-breaking reports but hates it for its uncompromising stand. Why, after the first comment and frustration, will Ocheja visit SR again? To check they it has changed? Even media and press secretaries to political leaders know what they expect when they visit SR and that’s why they are always visiting!

My fellow Nigerians, this is the height of gross disrespect for our dear country. Sahara reporters are not the only online forum disseminating information about the decadence in the Nigerian polity. The question I would like to ask is this: what is the problem with SaharaReporters? We have our challenges as a nation and as a people, we are faced with stories and tales of corrupt practices almost on a daily basis in this country, oh yes we are in trouble, but pause for a minute and reminisce on the meaning of patriotism. The love for and of one’s country!!

Ocheja should be educated that patriotism is not synonymous to loyalty to the presidency. The height of patriotism is to wish the country well through our actions including martyrdom. How on earth does exposure of the decay or emphasis on same constitute disrespect to Nigeria? What makes a Nigerian living outside the shore of his country interested in how the country is governed, hatred? What does love for country demand from citizens in the face of corruption, reckless and under-performing leaders, ineptitude and system retrogression? Is it praise, indifference or castigation?
Am tired my people, am going crazy, I need help, I can’t afford three square meal, my house rent is due and my landlord is barking at me, my kids are out of school for the obvious reason, my account is in red, my clothes are begging for replacement, my wife is expectant, yet I live in Nigeria and believe in Nigeria. I sit and pray, I joined the prayer band in my church and we pray fervently for Nigeria at every meeting.
But I have never for one day lost faith in my country nor have the effrontery to insult my parents; I was brought up in Nigeria and was thought to always respect my elders come what may. That was and is the orientation I grew up with, that has sustained me in the face of challenges and tribulations. But why should Sahara reporters throw caution into the wind and result to open air insults on the President? Should we call this journalism or freedom of expression?  Or maybe irresponsible Journalism practiced by an irresponsible organization run by irresponsible people!!!
These are the most idiotic and irresponsible statements from a so-called patriotic citizen. Does Ocheja need to be reminded we don’t practice absolute monarchic government in Nigeria? What do we call respect in governance? What is the position of age in public offices? Is Yaradua the oldest person in Nigeria? How does assessment of Yaradua constitute a loss of faith in Nigeria by SR? Is Ocheja aware of happenings in other countries? Has he seen the popular South African zapiro cartoon of President Jacob Zuma barely after a week in office? Did George Bush describe the shoe throwing as a sign of disrespect? How logical and patriotic is it to imbibe the theory of parent-like respect void of criticism for an elected president of a country? Is Ocheja a Lybyan? Why do students assess their teachers? Why do subordinates assess their manager before he is promoted? Ocheja is really confused, insincere and may be attention seeking. Or how do we reconcile this? He does not agree with the decadence in Nigerian polity and governance. He seems to agree with the failure of Yaradua but not happy that SR wrote the report card! He wants positive reportage for failure, and respect for government that disrespects the collective wish of the citizenry. Interesting!

As much as there is freedom of expression, we should be careful the way we insult people. I could afford to keep mute over this issue but my conscience will not let me be. Just like I won’t sit and watch my father being insulted. Oh yes label me a government stooge, I reserve my comment, oh yes Mr. President has health challenges and the world should know about it and have sympathy for him or worse case pray for him to die.
This letter is to the management and proponents of Sahara reporters, for every one of you that has a father alive, insults will continue to come their way,(AMEN) for every one of you that has a father alive, a terrible ailment will be his portion and will constitute a mockery to your household.(AMEN) Except the bible does not say we should honor our parents and elders, then the above will not befall the proponents of SaharaReporters.
Sincerely, Ocheja does not deserve the honour of a rejoinder. To what extent does he want our freedom to span? Does he want us back into the military and press-gagging days? What conscience? The one that sees failure and call it what it is or the one who wants the former silenced, who has a living conscience? He won’t watch his father insulted but can watch his country mismanaged and raped? And if the one who insults your father is older than your father, what do you do Ocheja? Won’t you respect him though he insults your father? No one labels you a government stooge; I don’t think you are that important. And for resulting to cursing the proponent of SR is contradictory. Insulting their fathers negates your upbringing. I don’t think that same Bible asks us to curse those who fails to honour elders. You seem to be really contradicting!

My fellow Nigerians, constructive criticism is a welcome development but for a bunch of irresponsible people enclosed in Sahara reporters to openly insult our president is tantamount to insulting our nation and our fathers. Just imagine the following: MENTALLY LAZY, DECEPTIVE, PHISICALLY WEAK (UNABLE TO PLAY Squash) TRUANT AND NON RESPONSIVE. MOST LIKELY TO DEGENERATE PROGRESSIVELY DUE TO INABILITY TO LEARN OR BRING ANYTHING NEW TO THIS CLASS. This is gross irresponsibility and a shame to journalism, if this is how to practice journalism, then I rather become a beggar! 
Sahara reporters should thank their stars Joshua Ocheja is not the president. They should be fair enough to publish this essay and they should note that subsequent articles that insult the president will elicit a rejoinder from me. 
Nigeria …Good People… Great Nation.

There is no insult in telling the truth. All Ocheja needed to do is to prove otherwise the assertions of SR. Just tell us with supporting information that Mr President is not mentally lazy; physically weak, deceptive etc. There is no reason to get angry about it. I have insulted you if I call you black when you are white. Ocheja should just state his part that Mr President is brilliant, reliable strong enough etc (many people have said an believed that). People should be entitled to their opinion. There is no point inciting Nigerians against SR instead of countering SR with convincing and better analysis. We, readers are not morons. And for saying SR should thank their stars that Ocheja is not the President portrays that though Yaradua was rated poorly by SR, Ocheja ‘s report card would have been worse!


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