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MEND Says Its Commando Unit Destroyed Chevron pipeline

May 24, 2009

Image removed.Press Advisory by MEND: At about 0200 Hrs today, Monday, May 25, 2009, fighters from the Movement for the Emancipation of the Niger Delta (MEND) destroyed major trunk lines to effectively put the under-listed flow stations that feed the Chevron tank farm located in Delta state of Nigeria out of operation. The affected flow stations are:

- Chevron (at Alero creek)
- Otunana
- Abiteye
- Makaraba
- Dibi
We borrowed a leaf from the federal government of Nigeria by applying the same measure of treatment the impoverished oil bearing communities suffered in the hands of government troops by ensuring huge collateral damage. This will henceforth  become our standard mode of operation.
All our fighters returned safely to camp 5 annex.
The Joint Task Force has been chasing shadows for the past two weeks and has not achieved any military success. We will continue our cat and mouse tactics with them until oil export ceases completely. 
The JTF did not free the remaining three hostages as being claimed. As promised, we dropped them off at the Oporoza jetty. 

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