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On The Nigerian Question: A case for urgent revolution

May 24, 2009

The current state of the Nigerian state has has dipped to an all time low. Never  have we, in our history of failed and incompetent leaders, had it this bad. The systemic corruption and atmosphere of impunity within the Nigerian state has risen to all time high. Top government officials live completely defiant of any kind of law and oblivious of the sufferings of the bulk of the population. The Nigerian masses are caught in abject poverty while a couple of thugs and criminals who call themselves the government live in unimaginable affluence and prestige.

My visit back home last December was a bitter sweet experience for me. Sweet because there can never be any place like home and it felt good to brake bread with my brothers after quite a long time. However, it was an equally bitter situation for me because i had never seen the the hallmarks of political incompetence as clearly as i did last Christmas. We currently have a situation in my country where the interest of the government has absolutely nothing to do with the welfare of the masses. The only thing the government of Nigeria has ever succeeded in doing is running down every single public institution at the expense of the greater populace. The same failed policies of previous administrations have been continuously recycled to bring about the same failed results. Well we can never expect anything different when it is the same set of people who have been forcing themselves on us for the past couple of decades. The electoral process is a joke because there have almost never been any credible elections conducted in the state of Nigeria. The political elite always rig the pools to favor themselves all at the expense of the Nigerian masses.

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Although Nigeria is a massive country with about 260 different tribes who are all culturally distinct, the only thing that we the Nigerian populace are united under is a single suffering. We have all been equally wronged and robbed by an evil group of thugs. We have all been raped and abused by the same set of molesters for over 50 years. Although I am from the christian south, I know that my brothers and sisters from the Muslim north have suffered no less than i have under a succession of governments who were installed by Satan himself. It is not just necessarily the evil of the situation that is most disturbing, it is the senselessness of the actions of these men and the impunity with which they carry out their crimes.

There is only one answer to the Nigerian question: To completely dispose of these enemies of progress that have plagued our country for so long. Only Nigerians can solve Nigeria`s problem. No one is going to fix our country for us. How can we let less than one percent of 160,000,000 people hold the remaining 99 percent hostage ?. We are descendants of great kingdoms and beautiful civilizations. Our ancestors will turn in their graves if they see what is going on now. My personal belief is that one day( and that is very soon) Nigeria will unite under the banners of freedom and progress, and the traitors in Aso rock (the presidential villa) and all their allies will be marched down justice lane and made to answer for mass crimes against humanity and their own people. Then we shall restore unto our land the the beauty of freedom and prosperity, so our children will never see the evil that we have seen. God bless Nigeria

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