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Re: Joshua Ocheja and the Imminent change

May 24, 2009

I must confess that Saharareporter’s has been my source of genuine news reports related to Nigeria and sometimes Africa. This is the case not because SR gives antagonistic news or rebellious views against the Nigerian government as Joshua Ocheja supposes and thinks, but because the news SR reports represents the hallmark of the clamor for change many Nigerians and Africans are seeking.

Imagine what will happen to our nation, when widely read local news like Thisday and Sun led by its notorious Obaigbena and Orji Kalu respectively, reels out the kind of investigative and expository news SR does. The result will be huge. In fact, the majority of Nigerians that seem to be docile will be agitated by what their so called leaders do and cause change. As it was done in the Orange revolution and Obama revolution.  I looked up the traffic flow into Sahara reporters news in domain lookup and observed that its fans draw from Canada, US, Nigeria, Ghana, UK and SouthAfrica. Also, I discovered that Nigeria has the highest percentage of visitors to the news site. I draw up this research to let Joshua Ocheja know that resident Nigerians and Nigerians overseas are tired of the kind of news reporting they are fed with by presidential media and propaganda office extensions in Thisday newspaper and its likes. Joshua should realize that there are still well meaning Nigerians like Sowore and others that are marshalling out true facts on the present state of Nigeria.

I also suspect that Joshua Ocheja is looking for cheap popularity through SR. I do not know where Joshua resides now, but I believe he is one of those Nigerians that do not believe that change will soon sweep through Nigeria and Africa as a whole. And I am sorry for him that he might be swept away along the impostors, shenanigans, and brigands that have hijacked the nation for over three decades. I am sure Joshua is just an applicant for a special adviser, assistant, or hanger-on position in the corrupt establishment currently oppressing the Nigerian people through his pseudo-patriotic essays. I must commend him for trying, but it will be better for him to remain mute or join the various progressive patriotic movements that are converging for the imminent change for our nation. A change that will surprise the West and East of the world. If Joshua and his likes choose to remain adamant in their quest to follow our thieving leaders, he is surely doomed to fall along with the oppressors, for they will be hunted to any corner of the world they may choose to run to.

Joshua Ocheja sounds like a relative of notorious Aaondaaka, one of those who have set modesty and honesty aside for their own selfishness and personal aggrandizement. How can in the present reality and unfolding of events, one openly tries to defend a government that has proved every critic right and disappointed every one that was initially hopeful of its progress. Joshua Ocheja’s essays sound like Dora Akunyili’s re-branding dry song. Personally, I implore Joshua Ocheja to travel overseas not to US, UK or any western country, but to Ghana and Senegal in our sub region, that is if he can afford it (since he is an applicant), to see for himself what leadership is all about. There, he will see patriotism and followership. And he will observe a working leadership, if he does not know how leadership functions.
Sowore and others at Saharareporters should keep up their good works and continue to enlighten the Nigerian citizenry with facts and supporting documents as they always do. I also urge Saharareporters to hold on to those documents, for at the right and appointed time, they will be useful to the converging revolutionaries for the prosecution of generations of corrupt leaders that have kept our nation stagnant. Joshua Ocheja have a rethink and support progressive activities!

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