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Re:Yar'adua's Midterm Report Card-Sahara Reporters - A Rejoinder to Joshua Ocheja

May 24, 2009

Hello SaharaReporters: Permit me to write a rejoinder to the fellow Joshua Ocheja on the topic Re: Yar'adua's Midterm Report Card-Sahara Reporters as published on your website on May 24, 2009. For starters, let me state that I have neither been asked by SaharaReporters (SR) or any of their agents to write this piece nor have I any personal interests in the said organization. This is, essentially, my personal opinion which may or may not be shared by others, to each his opinion.

The tone of your write-up lacked any objectivity as you were really desperate to communicate your irritation, by the truth portrayed by the report, to SR and their readers. The same measure of name-calling and attacks is what you deserve for the measure you mete out to others shall you receive. Apparently, you are incapable of objectivity in your reasoning and hence, your write-up is what it is: an embarrassing joke. Did you have the sense or decency to propose an alternate score card for your failure president Yar'adua? No, but the very spot-on assessment by SR is unacceptable to you because it does not suck-up to Yar'adua, like his coterie of sycophants and hangers-on are wont to do, with shouts of "ranka da de!"? What value have you added to the very necessary subject of discussion broached by SR? Zero! Nada! Zip! You should be ashamed of yourself for whatever education or enlightenment you think you have is a waste - go back and request for a refund of your time and school fees! Rather than addressing the issue of the failure of the student president, or asking some introspective questions or making an alternative proposal assessing this sleeping administration, you shifted grounds and asked a dumb and irrelevant question: "What is the problem with SaharaReporters?" There is no problem with SaharaReporters! Rather, what is the problem with Joshua Ocheja, the blind defender who is incapable of any rational thought and progressive ideas regarding an issue of discussion germane to the progress of Nigeria today: Yar'adua! Or, do you presume that everyone is a "follow-follow" zombie like you without any capacity for independent and sound thinking?

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If you were not brain-dead, you would have seen that your president is a big fat joke not just among the presidents of the supposedly "small" countries of Africa where Nigeria likes to pontificate as the "giant of Africa" but even among some of the past presidents of Nigeria who were major failures! Had they not been embarrassing failures, Nigeria would not be where it is now and we may not even be having this kind of conversation today. The past leaders, though hardly excusable, may blame their failure on less education, financial constraints due to oil prices, insufficient opportunity to leverage on a democratic system, insufficient knowledge of underlying problems of the country, etc! What can Yaradull blame his failure on if not for his incapacity to learn from history and that he is way out of his league, over-reaching himself trying to be a leader when he clearly lacks any leadership characteristic, intelligence and character to lead anything? What president, of the several clueless ones Nigeria has had, could not successfully put together a cabinet in several weeks?  What student taking a 4 year course is still planning and studying the problem in 2 years while accumulating embarrassing failures and having a CGPA of 0? Such a pathetic student cannot be excused, how much less a president who is supposed to provide the vision, set the agenda, form a cabinet to execute his agenda and manage all the resources available from a country of 140 million people! This is a president who could not make up his mind in forming a cabinet for several weeks while the business of governance went on vacation; and has not implemented anything in 2 years of his imbecilic 7-point non-agenda and a dream 20202020 which is nothing but a mirage? Since his shameful ascendancy, he has only one achievement: a culture of passivity, laziness, putting square pegs in round holes and really doing nothing while systematically dismantling every institution that had a similitude of life before he was rigged into office. Otherwise, where are EFCC and NAFDAC heading to today? That is perhaps a discussion for another day! While other presidents were busy making a mark in their country and their people, he was busy lobbying the White House to go for a visit, day-dreaming on being invited to the G20 and now he has been snubbed by the same White House and will not so much as get a photo op which he hoped to re-brand his image!

No one, except a low-life sycophant who has his head in his ass will mention Yar’adua, the bunch of kleptomaniac Nigerian leaders and patriotism in the same sentence! When was the last time Yar'adua or any Nigerian leader of recent memory demonstrated patriotism? It is only zombies like you are happy with "do as I say but not as I do" example of Nigerian leaders. How has Yar'adua demonstrated patriotism? Is it by denying Nigeria an opportunity to run a true federal constitution as written and as imperfect as it may be? Or, is it by lying to Nigerians about his failing health, playing squash and flying a horde of assistants and hangers-on with oil money from the Niger Delta anytime he suffers trauma and needs to seek treatment in Germany or Saudi Arabia; while Nigerians have no medical facilities to adequately treat even common sicknesses? Is it by systematic killing of Nigerians, unleashing the poorly-paid military on the Niger Delta while lying with his deceitful tongue about the rule of law, due process and a complete disregard for the constitution he swore to uphold? Is it when corruption completely overthrows the land so much so that even recovered loot is looted and re-looted until it disappears and cannot be traced? Is it his philandering with the scum of humanity in the form of Ibori, Odili, Andoakaa, Waziri, and co who have stolen the people's money and gotten stupendously rich thereby, betrayed Nigerians and looked for every opportunity to cover-up for any politician who can afford to pay their "price" while most Nigerians live on less than $2 dollars a day? Is it when he talks down on Nigerian universities and the professors who have spent their life trying to build up Nigerian students with resources which are virtually non-existent and have not been adequately provided by the Nigerian State while they send their own children to foreign schools with our petro-dollars? Is there any sacrifice that Yar'adua has made for his country, even as President?

In all the foregoing, how have Nigerian leaders reposed any faith and imbued patriotism in their own people? I could go on and on! Obviously, you thought people who read the nonsense you wrote have not been paying attention! The very best of our people leave Nigeria in huge numbers every month and year to find a better life in other countries after being frustrated with Nigerian leadership and retrogression which seems to have the country in permanent reverse gear! Yar'adua knows nothing about patriotism and neither do you! You thump your chest about having respect for elders and the orientation you grew up with, congratulations! Well, you are not the only person who had such upbringing in Nigeria but note that an elderly man who has no respect for himself deserves no respect, even from babies! It is stupid thinking that age makes someone infallible even if he is totally clueless, out of touch and leading you by the nose to total ruin and destruction and yet, you are not supposed to question such a person? If you choose not to ask questions, it's your choice but I and the millions of people who think with our heads will ask questions! Progressive countries of the world are ever questioning their leaders about everything that affects their lives and unborn generations but Nigeria should give Yar'adua a break because he is an old man? How disappointing that your thinking is still stuck in the age of ignorance while every reasonable country has moved on! If a man thinks he is too old to be questioned or called to account and criticized by anyone (including day-old babies), he has no business being a leader or being in public office. If presidents, governors and leadership in progressive countries, in fact, the most powerful country on earth are made to answer tough and unpleasant questions, even heckled publicly, what makes the loser president Yar'adua special? Is it not ignoramuses like you who setup Nigerian leaders as tin gods with the effect that the country is forever on its way to hell in a hand basket?

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Of all the adjectives used to describe your serpent, deceptive leader and the beyond woeful results, which is not true? I will posit that SR was generous for some of those results should have been given a grade of UN - UNCLASSIFIED. I will define that as failure so much to the extent that there are no marks, even negative, to grade the student president! You cannot use the bible or God as a shield only when it is convenient for you! For your information, Nigerian leaders were cursed by God a long time ago, the very day they stole power, bribed the courts and cheated their way to power! As if that curse was not sufficient, the blood of pregnant women, babies, old, young, weak and unjustly killed, even from the recent Niger Delta killings, now cry out from the ground and curses Yar'adua and the bunch of wolves raping the land! How about you, the defender of injustice, lying, corruption, wickedness and evil? Your portion will not be different from theirs; it will be in full measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over! If you are in doubt, read the bible you referenced for the scriptures cannot be broken! Curse all you want but the mechanics of it thereof, does lies neither with you nor the darkness you represent and celebrate for darkness will never overtake light that comes by the entrance of knowledge. It is the light that has shone and is shining so much on the darkness of Nigerian leaders, their stooges and wicked acts that makes them go bananas! SR, may not be perfect but that organization carries a big lantern, a bright shining touch and the audacity to expose evil for which Nigerians that have been in the dark for ages are grateful.

To your final point, you cannot and will never be president or rule anything in your whole life! Why do I say this? Your slavery-inflicted thinking, master-servant “follow-follow” mentality as displayed in your write-up is telling! Your type lacks the capacity for any leadership opportunity but being led by the nose in servitude is what best suits you. With someone like you leading anything Yaradua, the currently failing president, will be like Einstein. Leadership is way out of your league, so, forget about it and stay at your pathetic job of defending evil and wickedness. When Nigerian leaders rot in hell where they belong, you will not even so much as get a drop of water to cool your lying and deceitful tongue!

Paul Ade


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