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May 29th 2009; NDLF hosts Col. Abubakar Umar (rtd), Laolu Akande, Issac Okoro, Dapo Olorunyomi & Others at a 1-day Symposium on "Nigeria's Ten years Democracy & the State of the Nation"

May 25, 2009

May 25th 2009, New York, NY;  On May 29th 2009 at the JFK Double Tree (Hilton) Hotel, New York, between 6-10pm, the Nigeria Democratic Liberty Forum (NDLF) would be hosting distinguished Nigerians at a 1-day interactive symposium tagged "Nigeria Democracy Dialogue; Ten years of Democracy & The State of the Nation.

The history of Nigeria is replete with efforts at governance that have failed to positively impact on the life of the citizenry. The Nation was placed under military siege and subjected to gross abuse of human and peoples rights for the most part of our post independence. This disastrous imposition, disregard for constitutional governance and the institutionalization of corruption by the military destroyed every fabric of the Nigerian life.

Ten years ago another attempt at democratic governance was initiated after the failure of the second republic with hopes that the civilians would be able to set the nation onto a path of national development. At this forum we would be evaluating Nigeria's Democracy- the Progress achieved, Missed opportunities, Failures & Systemic obstacles, Lessons learned, Future possibilities,  & The way to growth & development of the Nigerian State.

The symposium would have speakers from Nigeria, US & Canada and a host of participants to join us in a 'Democracy dialogue' . Guests Speakers include Col. Abubakar Dangiwa Umar (rtd), Mr. Dapo Olorunyomi, Mr. Laolu Akande, Mr. Issac N. Okoro Esq., Dr. Anthony Olusanya, Dr. Baba Adam, & Janet Fashakin Esq.

Bukola Oreofe                                                                          Ms Lilian Agbeyegbe
Executive Director                                                        Director, Policy Development Bureau


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