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May 27 solidarity rally ON for tomorrow: Turning up the heat on Shell!

May 26, 2009

Image removed.Reminder: Rally ON for tomorrow at noon at Foley Square. You may have news today that the Wiwa v. Shell trial has been postponed. While rumors that Shell is angling for an 11th hour settlement to keep the case out of court, it's impossible to confirm and all of the parties are keeping quiet. It may be just that the court needed more time to consider trial procedures, evidence, etc.

Either way, it remains critical that we raise our voices at this time. We must keep the pressure on Shell and keep the spotlight on the ongoing oil-related oppression and environmental degradation faced by the people of the Niger Delta while we can.

Please join us tomorrow!

It is expected that the landmark Wiwa v. Shell trial will soon open in U.S. federal court. Multinational oil giant Royal Dutch Shell will finally answer to charges for its role in atrocities committed against the Ogoni people of Nigeria, including conspiring with the Nigerian military government to bring about the execution of human rights and environmental justice leader Ken Saro-Wiwa and eight of his colleagues. And sadly, it's even more important because it comes at a time when violence by the Nigerian military is escalating enormously against oil-afflicted communities across the Niger Delta.

What:    Rally to demand an end to Shell's abuses in Nigeria
When:   Noon, Wednesday, May 27th
Where:  Foley Square, Manhattan, across from the U.S. Courthouse (near City Hall)
Why:     Because Shell doesn't want you there
Who:     You, and your friends. Please spread the word.

Together, we can send a message that corporations will be held accountable for human rights abuses, no matter where they occur.


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