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Naïve Iranians

June 27, 2009
It is very disturbing that some people are comparing the June 12, 1993 elections in Nigeria to June 12, 2009 elections in Iran as similar events. On June 12, 1993, people voted and fought for a complete change in the system of government in Nigeria and amidst popular believes that there was a winner, the election was annulled. What is happening in Iran is totally different. An election was held, a result/winner was declared through text messages and social websites among naïve youths before the election was concluded and a different winner was declared when the election was finally concluded. Now Iranians are on the streets fighting and killing each other. The Iranians have been brainwashed by western media propaganda to think they are fighting for change and freedom but the fact is they are simply fighting for nothing, because a change in the president is really not a change. They should realise that the people who are pushing them to the streets are being backed financially and “morally” by the same people who backed and installed the present government and the present structure of government. According to the structure of government in Iran, the supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei is the man with the last word and control of government, the president simply takes orders from him. The election is not about replacing him, rather the election is to keep or replace a glorified government affairs minister called President, who in this case is Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. Unfortunately for the opposition party lead by Mir-Hossein Mousavi Khameneh, which is claiming election victory, the man in control is happy with the way Ahmadinejad is managing the affairs of government in Iran and does not want any replacement for now. Those who want a replacement are the US and its allies as a form of punishment for Ahmadinejad arrogance and failure to play politics by their rules thus derailing their agenda for total control of the middle east and a step further towards a new world order, or better said, new world government. The opposition leader, Mir-Hossein Mousavi Khameneh, according to recent history, is an architect by profession and was the Prime Minister of Iran who under his command, gave the nod of approval to the bloody attacks on the U.S. embassy and Marine Corps barracks in Beirut in 1983 killing 220 US Marines. He was also fingered for the 1988 truck bombing of the U.S. Navy’s Fleet Center in Naples, Italy, that killed five persons, including the first Navy woman to die in a terrorist attack. Until recently, Mousavi was the most suitable person the US government and its allies considered well enough a puppet to replace Ahmadinejad. But that has back fired due to his C.V. which they thought the American people would not remember. Should the popular uprising be successful and the current regime toppled, Mousavi’s plans to take power is certain to be derailed by his bloody past. The US and its allies are now planning for a replacement in the person of Reza Pahlavi, son of the former Shah of Iran, who is positioning himself to become the new US-backed puppet leader of Iran. European countries and the US have played a major role in provoking the post-election violence in Iran through news Medias and internet technologies - used mainly by the younger generation of between ages 18 and 24 - by focusing news on opposition rallies and demonstrations against Ahmadinejad, while ignoring the pro-Ahmadinejad rallies which were on some occasions much bigger. Western media propaganda has blindfolded Iranians from seeing the real problem at hand and they have allowed foreign influence to turn them into political porn. These western governments do not really care about the protesters or the oppositions in Iran and indeed probably want them to be beaten and suppressed so that their real cause can be advanced which is mainly to aid the protesters in Iran just to provoke a more intense crackdown by the government in Tehran and by coercing the government into a brutal crackdown on protesters will in turn be a perfect way to demonize the government in the eyes of the watching world and probably an excuse for military invasion. Western intelligence is entrenched in Iran and has been waging a covert war for a number of years. Most recently, accusations were made that the CIA was backing a strong network of local people in Iran who are seeking to carry out a soft revolution through people-to-people contacts. The soft revolution plan was uncovered by Iranian security personnel before it could be fully implemented. It was to be carried out through some NGOs, unions and ethnic strife all across Iran. The western media have seized upon the tragic death of Neda as another reason why regime change is needed in Iran. Many Nedas died in Iraq. Their new found emotion at the sight of an innocent woman bleeding to death on the street of Iran was strangely absent during the eight year combined occupations of Iraq and Afghanistan, during which hundreds of thousands of Nedas died in similar or more gruesome circumstances.

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